
A couple of months back in a discussion about self-driving cars, multiple people claimed that lose-lose binary hits like this just never happened. They claimed autonomous cars would never have to make these decisions. As we see here, reality thinks otherwise.

When the car is parked, all the defensive driving in the world will not save you. When you are in heavy traffic, all the defensive driving in the world will not keep that person behind you out of your tailpipe.

My dad grew up in the mountains outside Asheville, some of the most beautiful country around. I spent many summers growing up on his dad's farm, and that meant driving up and down that mountain regularly. And, wow, saw SO many trucks sitting in those handy dandy sand/gravel pits.

This list is literally what I was thinking. Jalop occasionally covers custom cars, but usually because they're really cool from a technically point of view. Shiny paint jobs and trick interiors are meh. It's more about the technical details (Wait, you put a completely electric drivetrain into a 1967 Mustang? Article

I've been rear-ended six times in the past seven years, none even remotely my fault (three times while parked, three while stopping at a light). There is no such thing as trusting solely in my own driving to keep me safe on roads surrounded by other people who can't drive. This is why my two-wheeled driving is done

So many people in here talking about their 4spd and 5 spd transmissions. Frippery! My 76 CJ-5 had a 3spd, and weeee liked it! 258ci straight six and 3spd trans and a one piece fiberglass front end. Why a one piece fiberglass front end? Because I rolled in a spectacular, NASCAR-esque accident along a guard rail on an

Been on plenty non-american roads myself. And? Your argument here makes no sense. Again, statistically speaking, motorcycle accidents tend to be single-vehicle. That means if I trust myself to ride, I'm likely to be okay on my own dime. More to the point, off-road, there aren't generally that many other people around,

Because maybe an 86 year old with dementia is not going to be around for 7 years to keep paying on that car, and thus his heirs will be stuck paying $459/month for a car that isn't worth squat?

Y'all are amusing. Ever seen the inside of a vehicle that has had a human body explode in it? I have. And that was a supposedly safe vehicle with a comparatively high crash rating. Sometimes, shit happens. The difference between this death trap and a car that is even moderately safer, is that shit happens with vastly

A decade or, oh, two ago, a buddy of mine had a 96 Firebird Formula NHRA edition. It was, for the time, pretty smoking, with that sexy v8 and OMG a 6spd manual. His car was nothing short of hotness, and hooked in perfectly. Well, Chevy brought out a new Camaro SS a few years later and I decided to test drive one for

"Plus, I would have bought one used about ten years ago. A yellow one. Maybe a '79."

I don't care how cool it is. I'm not riding in a car that weighs 770lbs that does not have a serious cage, a la ariel atom. From here, it looks like a death trap.

Good on that shop.

Once again, you are repeating what you said but not telling me how it is relevant. If I am educating both genders in my available pool of influence-able youngsters, I am not working to change the culture how?

The difference is that when I was doing it 25 years ago, I was lucky to find bolt-on sheet metal that wasn't utter crap and maaaaybe a few bits and bobs of NOS trim. The fact that you are having issues with brackets inside the dash and consoles means you live in a different world than the one I was in when I was doing

Nowadays, you can get just about anything for a classic mustang, and the same can be said for these, basically. The repop market is huge for classics. I remember eons ago as a young man having to put a GT350 steering wheel in my 66 mustang even though it was a lowly I6. I did so because it was literally the only

I had this same car with this paint job. I adored it. It was one of my favorite matchbox cars. I think my boys have those cars somewhere.

Learn your fluff, bro. If you can go back to the old stuff. The yellow book, the red book, original Rogue Trader. They included more fluff back then on stuff like this.


"Or ran over some innocent bystanders because they were being pursued?" is vastly more likely than, "But what if the dudes in the F-150 had decided to rape a few girls the next day?"