I met one of my best friends in a random Xbox-Live party back in 2008, shortly after the release of Gears of War 2. Haven’t met in real life, but we’ve talked nearly every day since.
I met one of my best friends in a random Xbox-Live party back in 2008, shortly after the release of Gears of War 2. Haven’t met in real life, but we’ve talked nearly every day since.
If Switch’s online services rely on a smartphone to some capacity, I spoose it would only make sense that a player would more readily open their mobile browser of choice rather than fidget with some type of finnicky integrated broswer.
Playing Resident Evil 7 on the couch with a couple of my good friends over some beers. Sunday will be spent working on my own games, most likely.
I put about 150 hours in to Dark Souls II and I ended up hating it. Not even comparatively speaking. I finished the game and wrapped up all the achievements and I thought to myself “Why did I do that?”
The ad campaign for this game has been so cringy. Terrible mobile game, awkward social media posts, this.
Hey Evan, hate to be that guy but we won’t actually be playing as Nuna and Fox, rather this time we’ll be playing as two brothers. Source:
I got a refund on Hotline Miami 2 because I played it for 2 hours before realizing that I was going to be too busy to play it and if I did somehow end up with the time to play it I could just buy it during the summer sale for cheaper.
I have a buddy that will start spouting obvious lies about science/art/ various interests when he meets to new people just to see how much he can get away with. We call them "false facts".
I feel like a lot of anger about microtransactions is misguided. If anyone has experienced Raid Mode in the last Revelations title, you'll know that as you amp up the difficulty, the game gets harder. Don't want to spend money? Then don't, just get better at the game. There is no pay-wall here. Retrying is free, and…
Hi there,
Looks to me like a more class based Crystal Chronicles, which is okay with me.
Hey Jason, are you going to be commenting on it here or will there be a new post?
I work for a private education firm, and a lot of these things make their way overseas. Part of my job is exam proctoring, and I've had to deal with people using those camera glasses first hand.
Thanks for the share!
Thanks for sharing my article!
Thanks for posting my article! That's pretty incredible to see it here.
I thought GBA micros were sexy. I used to have one, but I sold it a couple years back.
Hey friend, just as a heads up, if you fight the harpy/crow things in the Painted World, they have a chance of dropping the item you're looking for. Cheers!