
Yeah, I’ve noticed that the blade is noticeably duller in about two weeks time. I try to avoid that feeling, so I replace mine every week. It doesn’t even feel wasteful, I just keep the blades in an old mouthwash bottle and throw it in the recycling every now and then.

I don’t really understand why people use disposable razors. They’re stupid expensive (even with these clubs) and are really wasteful. Safety razors are much, much cheaper and give a far better shave.

Yeah, this happened to me several times yesterday. Curiously, it didn’t happen to my wife who has the exact same phone as me :-/

It may, but it would be significantly less. There’s usually less of a heat issue with immersion blender for two reasons.

Notice that you have to specifically dig into the development features. I’m sure the original pixels will get it at release if not shortly. Part of good testing is to slowly release to a growing number of platforms.

If you move too quickly, the app doesn’t count the distance traveled.

The judge’s beratement was absolutely over the line, but yes, you can absolutely be jailed for not showing up for a court order. It sounds like she tried to stop the case way too late, and once the process is really going, there’s not much the average person can do short of the state fully losing interest.

The only thing that really comes to mind is your children as they’re first moving out. Depending on your area it can be nearly impossible for someone to get an apartment if they don’t have a decent credit/rental history. Not having a history (because you’re young) can be just as difficult to work with as having a bad

This isn’t correct. I had a Kindle Keyboard, and replaced it with a paperwhite when I accidentally killed it. I’ve been able to transfer PDF, MOBI, and TXT files without even a hint of an issue.

So long as you keep your foot on the brake pedal until you pull the parking break, it's fine. The point is to keep the car from resting on the transmission, which holding the break pedal does.

The issue the developer refers to comes from how browsers are (rightfully) designed. If you browse to a website using https, the browser will not allow you to load content from a different site using http. For some stupid reason, many advertisement sites have not upgraded to https.

What are you doing that requires super user access every couple hours?

Well, that’s true. It doesn’t get the benefit of a larger memory scope, but there are plenty of operations which would benefit from an x64 bit architecture.

If you were able to overclock it, you probably one a silicon lottery. That is certainly not true of all the Pi 2s.

In my hometown there was a Dr Deathridge (ER), Dr Slaughter (GP), and a Dr Faucet (gastroenterologist).

Kim Davis would like a word with you...

Pivot tables are useful when it’s not something you’re going to be using long term. I primarily use them when I want to play with a bunch of data I’ve gotten from someone else.

Or since the other one is significantly larger than the OP needs, they could sell it or give it away.

Why not buy a smaller crock pot?

I grew up in Oregon, which is a pretty blue state. Everybody I knew was a Democrat, but I became Republican after getting involved with the Democratic party and realizing how I couldn’t support a lot of the liberal values. I felt my faith aligned with the Republican party: we were pro-life and pro-traditional family