It's pretty common to use 8 for the 'a/eigh' sound. I'm not sure why sometimes you drop the t and don't at others, but whatever...
It's pretty common to use 8 for the 'a/eigh' sound. I'm not sure why sometimes you drop the t and don't at others, but whatever...
I doubt that it means they condone it. These usually get approved in a giant batches, and occasionally something slips through. Someone may have honestly have read it and not made the connection. Now, if they take no action after the issue has been brought to their attention, THEN we can grab the pitchforks.
You realize that if you do a system backup or even just a media backup that all those files would be included right? A really common backup system is to burn them all to a new DVD, or archive right? What if his computer auto puts an archive of important files every week onto an external drive? That would be a lot of…
My wife and I have come to an agreement about chores. There are a few I despise doing, she does those. There are a few she despises doing, I do those. Every thing else is whoever has time to do them. Realistically, she does more than I do, but she's also home a lot more; so, I guess that makes sense.
Normally, I'm a very articulate person, especially through writing. I can't even start processing this page in my head let alone through text or vocally. This level, of _____ (I don't even have a word for it) is so beyond my understanding.
Oh well yeah, of course. You're also all supposed to be wearing a dress and making a damn samich! /sarcasm
I just can't... No... I don't even... ARGH!
I'm a guy (as the name implies), and trust me, it's a lot easier for myself and my guy friends to find clothes than my wife or female friends.
Why aren't women's clothes sold like men's? Seriously, I can tell you exactly what size I wear in every damn brand, because a 32x32 from Levi's, is a 32x32 at GAP, and GASP a 32x32 at Old Navy. What the hell is a 2/6/8/10 anyway?
What can a guy do to help the situation? I'd like to say that I make a difference, and that I'm a good ally, but truth be told, I'm pretty mediocre...
To be perfectly honest... I'm not sure. I was told by parents in the kid's group that it was important, and it seemed like their were holiday requirements to be aware of, but nothing I would have had to deal with at camp. I may have missed something, but I tried.
Basically. I went way out of my way, because I felt bad the kid had such a lame lunch for his first meal, but what we're we supposed to do?
OOH!! MEE!!!! Sorta... The first year I staffed a summer camp, I worked as a cook in the kitchens. We were pretty accommodating of people who required kosher meals or dietary restrictions, but one kid was a nightmare.
My wife and I had our first about a month ago and our experience was extremely similar...Good Samaritan?
If I was a girl, my name was going to be Elaine. I didn't know this until my daughter was born and we informed my parents that her middle name was to be Elaine.
Dude, employment is at like -12%. Cool your jets!
Interesting/Gross how having your photo in the papers is implied to be somehow worse than being raped.
Yup, got that... Thanks for piling on like everyone else.
My assumption was that the reading comprehension was in reference to: "Why is a round of congratulations in order". I realized the gender mistake and handled it appropriately.
A much narrower rule? Most schools I've been to have the same rule about 0 cap decorations. The way the text is written, it sounds like he gets the congratulations for breaking the rule.