I'm immune to most of the common tricks simply by knowing they're there. That's true for most people. If you make them aware of it and reinforce it when you go shopping with them you'd be amazed at how fast they'll get over it.
I'm immune to most of the common tricks simply by knowing they're there. That's true for most people. If you make them aware of it and reinforce it when you go shopping with them you'd be amazed at how fast they'll get over it.
Generally speaking it's because of the type of furniture students have. We're usually pretty short on money so unless Mom and Dad bought it, it's either a super cheap, ancient, used piece or it's something like Walmart's $125 futon. Seriously it's that bad...
Is there a way to do this without using the NFC Launcher. Are there stickers maybe that just have somekind of random number that can be stuck to a Tasker profile? It seems redundant and wasteful (battery) to have two automation apps running.
Honestly I think the best option is really the single column thread where replies are indented. It's by far the easiest way of keeping track of who's saying what to whom. There's a reason nearly every website does it that way...
My wife and I are having our first anniversary in a couple months. The traditional gift involves paper, and I was thinking it'd be kinda cool to do a play of that.
This is pretty much what you want. It took him a lot longer because he was documenting the process and had a weird error. It seems a lot of us were able to get our systems up in less than a half hour. I spent twenty minutes making it functional and importing my feeds.
I do it as well. Also, if I force myself not to, it's nearly impossible to pay attention to what they're saying.
I can't lie, I've considered it too.
Yeah, I moved out of the dorms a few years ago. I so don't miss those!
Renting a storage unit that has power can be super useful. A couple of my friends split a 8'x11' storage unit for roughly $80 a month. They keep all their wood tools in there so when they have a project they have a place to work other than their apartment's courtyard.
I really they just open source it. I'd love to be able to just host my own reader on a private server.
He didn't say it would... He said if you started the preheat more in advance it would be ready by the time you are. Also, 350 is generally the defacto standard in recipes so it's a pretty safe place to start.
I've been using it since the beta, and I prefer it to swipe. It's nice being able to "flow" when I want and then switch to a more traditional method of input. Swipe only excels at the former, whereas flow is really good at both.
It will heat the food faster, but no the oven will not heat any faster. The reason you broil is to apply heat directly to the "crust" of whatever you're baking without really thoroughly cooking it.
$100 dollars a year? $140 for the base system? I don't understand why office so ridiculously expensive. I understand that they're a business, but come on. An office suite is a basic requirement for most people that use a computer and pricing it like they do it's just mind boggling.
I figured it would be like that, but I am running a headless server, so I thought something like Thunderbird would be a bit overkill, and difficult to search through terminal.
Does anyone know of a good mail backup system? I'm looking for one that will run on a headless linux server. I'd like the backup to be searchable, but don't really have a major preference on how the mail is stored.
Because a lot of us still have nice phones running on 2.3.3. I bought a Motorola Photon 4G. It has a locked bootloader so a custom ROM isn't really an option and they haven't upgraded it :(
No, the ports on not powered. That's fine for a flash drive, but hard drives will require a powered expansion hub.