
I’m sorry, but if I’m going to pine for some racist trope syrup, it’ll be Ms. Buttersworth

Seriously, why can’t these decrepit old farts just retire properly?

This is a profoundly stupid fucking take.

I wont miss stein when he ambles off to take a dirt nap though!

Why does anyone care about what a crabby old has-been thinks?

This is how I imagine the original take went:

They will always purposefully present it backwards.

You have it backwards. Republicans are the ones creating the issue, and everyone else is just watching and sighing.

Why do I think that soup would be the most bland excuse for soup ever made, devoid of all spices and no salt?  

But, I prefer when it was a black person, showing their incredible skill at making pancakes.

Now playing

This fossil cried when Nixon resigned and he cried here. He’s everything wrong with America.

He got dumped by CBS Sunday Morning ages ago for more interesting and relatable commentators. This is anattempt to claw his way back into media relevance. I sincerely hope that he fails as miserably as this sad commentary does. 

“For reasons no one will ever understand”

Ben Stein/ Donald Trump/ Truth Social

So like...somehow the syrup isn’t as good without it being racist?

It’s on point that someone this out of touch was once a speechwriter for Nixon.

But how is he supposed to enjoy his food if he isn’t casually thinking about a Black woman being forced to cook for him?

Conservative virtue signaling. Logo on food packaging mean next to nothing even to those who like it and buy it regularly.

I just read this guy’s Wiki after sleeping on what he’s been doing since Win Ben Stein’s Money was a thing... and HOLY SHIT, that man is garbage.

What a total and complete moron.