
Am I the only one here who's watched the "Outfoxed" documentary? Because they've been doing shit like this for a long ass time. What made this one different? Finally went up against someone with enough money to hit them with the lawsuit they really deserve? Honestly, Faux "News" should have either been dismantled or

The quotes came out pretty mangled, can you post the link?

If that weak-ass attempt is the best you (and MacFarlane) can come up with, you need to step up your game. Transphobes are pathetic.

That was such a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing it.

Since MOTP has already been mentioned a few times, there’s a line from B:TAS (Robin’s Reckoning, part II) that has always stood out to me, after Batman stops Robin from killing the man who murdered his parents (Tony Zucco):

Rewatched that movie just last night. My heart is still breaking.

I rewatched Mask of the Phantasm last night. THE Best Batman movie.

You’re a real piece of work. Defending attacks against murdered kids’ families, supporting the rights of shitbags to spread lies about a deadly virus. But I bet you have the nerve to call yourself “pro life” too, considering this article you’re posting on.

If you’re defending that piece of shit, you can fuck off and die, kthnx.

Go back and cry to the other MRAs, dumbass.

Ah yes, the "cut off my face to spite my enemies" strategy. I'm sure that will work out fine for you!

I remember when Columbine was a big deal. Hell, it wasn't just a national tragedy, even other countries were talking about it. Now? I can't keep all these fucking mass shootings straight, even if I just narrow it down to school shootings. It's enraging and depressing as fuck. I worry for the future of my poor young

Spot on. I've missed reading this strip, thanks for posting.

When Cheetolini got elected, the [s]masks[/s] hoods came off.

And that's a bad thing how?

Yep. Hypocrites, all of them.

Thank you, and thank you to everyone else who replied. (Kinja is still screwed up, so I had a hard time checking these replies.) I half expected to find people telling me to get lost or something, so it was heartening to find such kind support. I'm probably going to keep on feeling mixed up and out of place, but I'm

Honestly, I’ve been feeling very insecure about this lately and this article doesn’t help.

Heh, I've been calling her "Margarine Collard Greens", but I like your nickname too.

The original phrase is "Brevity is the soul of wit", she just added her own spooky twist to it.