
Fuck off with your transphobic scaremongering.

I’m still too exhausted (physically and mentally) to feel much of anything but some mild relief that we can finally start to pull this country out of the nightmarish hellpit it sank into. Still better than the alternative, so I’ll take a moment to enjoy this victory, but there’s still going to be a long road ahead of

Internet hugs if you want them. I hope you can continue to improve your life.

Melanoma deserves to share the same special circle of hell with the Douchebag for all eternity. (And all their other shitty family members.)

At least you can say the monkeys don't know any better. This shitbag does.

“Chad Wolf”? Is that like some fucking “incel” joke?

Seconding SO HARD. I’ve been sick to death of seeing that ugly orange face for the last 4-5 years, even on articles rightfully blasting him.

Don’t insult Xenomorphs like that.

Hey now, even Satan has better standards.

[insert Archer meme here about “guest” being the password, but just change it to “admin”]

Nah, the '80s still had plenty of cool toys. Now if you mean the actual year 80 instead of the 1980s, then you'd be talking. (See how much he enjoys plain Pet Rocks with no googly eyes or decorations.)

The saying goes: A friend helps you move, a good friend helps you move on, but a best friend helps you move the body.

Don't use slurs like that for these racist shitheads, thanks. Dipshits like this tend to be plenty homophobic on their own.

Cry harder, troll.

This really needs to be ungreyed.

Not "mediocrity", more like "chaos, death, and unfettered corruption".

Anyone who can excuse that situation is no less than a monster in my mind. Let alone the shithead conspiracy theorists who say it never happened.

I managed to sleep a few hours, then woke up about half an hour ago and couldn’t go back to sleep because of anxiety about this whole shitty situation, so here I am again. This isn't reassuring news. I remember how sick I felt after Bush II won again and it's that same nauseous dread in the pit of my stomach right

Dunno, things might get awkward at their next Klan picnic if they did.

Honestly, Clinton/Kodos made a lot more sense and was entirely more entertaining.