Huzzah for another Dead Homers Society fan.
Huzzah for another Dead Homers Society fan.
I’m not going to go into all of the stuff about “the show hasn’t been good for ages.” Duh, everybody knows it is a shadow of its former self.
Some women are actively seeking to be offended.
Is my memory hazy, because to me the 90s was all about “GRRRL POWAH”. Maybe it started later in the 90s?
This needs to be printed out and handed to every dude that whines about MeToo from now on.
Wholeheartedly agree. Sometimes I think even people with the best intentions get too caught up on trying to force the idea that’s there’s only one “right” way of doing things. I consider myself a very strong advocate of animal rights, but according to some people, I’d be a hypocritical monster for not being…
Yikes. I hope you're doing better these days.
Dude, fuck off with your “woman scorned” bullshit.
Stop that, you two. Let us dream.
The fact that this happens at all is disgusting beyond measure.
Please keep this in mind the next time you get mad at women for thinking all men are inherently sexist dumbasses.
I see being an omnivore as just living as nature intended us to live. That said, I want the animals that become my dinner to be treated humanely. Too many people are willing to justify barbaric and cruel practices because they’re “just” animals.
What the fuck?
PETA is such a fucking embarrassment, every time I think they've hit their lowest point, they prove me wrong. I can't believe some otherwise rational people still associate with them.
We also have “taking a trump”.
I watched this episode in “honor” of his passing.
You say that like it’s an insult. Sorry you feel threatened.
How they ruined them in season 5 was terrible.