Even better... you can’t take advantage of corporate discounts at all with Verizon’s unlimited plans!
Even better... you can’t take advantage of corporate discounts at all with Verizon’s unlimited plans!
Well, at least this case gives us...
$35 seems to be the sweet spot for me. It gives me enough small bills that I can do purchases that might be too small to justify a credit card (either because the shop has a minimum, or because the gas station looks too shady to swipe my card).
Sadly, I only found out after they stopped allowing points purchases that the store was closing. Now I have 400 Wii points that can’t be used and I can’t top them up.
I have to imagine the people behind this are looking to gain some exposure and perhaps a publishing deal, rather than a quick buck (neé penny). I for one hope the plan fails miserably so that this doesn’t create an ugly precedent, and since everyone agrees this game is garbage I think we’ll be OK.
It was definitely this man’s unlocky day.
Are you saying that this Malibu needs to be....retired?
Great analogy...and just to keep it going: Automatics are the Hillary Clinton of the automotive industry
Nebraska can split electoral votes, and Douglas county (Omaha) voted blue in the Trump/Hillary election.
This looks accurate.
That’s just the control unit. The actual turbo encabulator is missing.
Change the color of the car and this story takes on a whole new hue.