
The two people he killed were armed, I see no way they can get murder or even manslaughter to stick. But he’s almost certainly going to get some firearm charges against him, because he broke the law. You can argue all day what’s right or wrong and his intent but that doesn’t make self defense illegal. The one guy

Ok boomer

I work with a guy that lives in a bad neighborhood, he bought the house as a rental got divorced and ended up living in it; his mortgage is like $400 a month so that would be nice. There are police cameras and gunshot sensors on the corners, they are plainly labeled. Apparently the sensors are extremely accurate, but

As someone who grew up in rural iowa, I can confirm. There really was nothing like buying a slice of pizza on my walk home in Jh.

Tiananmen square, 1989

Hoes mad.

So many people are comparing this $5 a month to apple arcade. Nintendo has competed with Atari, Sega, Sony, Microsoft, Apple, and I'm sure more. They have always done what they wanted, on their terms. For better or worse.

Apparently back in the 80's this happened to my dad, to the tune of around $500 if I remember right. He asked for his balance as the bank, he never did miss a trick. The man pulled it all out in cash and closed the account on the spot. My mom said the bank called and called for months trying to get the money back, but

That GMC is the right answer though, there really isn’t a sedan that is going to “blend in” with a bunch of expensive trucks and SUV’s. Maybe an awd tarus, probably not though.

Amazon and eBay is hurting them. I buy a substantial amount of video games and work very close to a GameStop, it's too far to walk, but that's mostly because of lack of sidewalks. I still don't ever go there, it's just less trouble, and often cheaper, to have it delivered. New stuff on Amazon, used in eBay, and sell

If it came out on a console, of probably buy it. But it isn't, so I won’t. It sounds an awful lot like okami, perhaps I'll play that again.

I have 225/45r/18 in Nebraska and have lost two tires to potholes since 2012. One was from my wife the other I hit was under a substantial amount of snow.

Its not the low profile that makes a difference, it is the w style of the wheel. It does make a big difference though.

They have yet to re-capture the magic of season 2.

I live in a small city so all we have is a AAA team which is much more reasonable. Parking is $10-free depending on how far you walk, and the free parking is 1600 feet from the door; i just measured it on Google maps. If you bring a canned good on Sunday, your ticket is free. So don’t feel bad paying $20 for a

If they don’t release virtual boy games on this, do they even care about anything?

People actually find a way to have fun in that game and Bethesda is having none of that.

I think you forget how old the Wii is. It's two generations ago now, the PS3 is one. I agree it sucks, I don't see any harm in keeping it open, but it's Nintendo... Maybe I'll buy a 2nd one and jailbreak it, won't feel bad, not like I can buy the games from Nintendo.

It won’t be a problem, it was before online patches. It only has 512megs of on board storage. You’ll be able to use any physical game you can get, online play obviously won’t work. It's a great console for kids. My boys are 7&8 now and we've gotten a ton of is out of mine. 

I never unhooked mine, it was a great console, it even plays GameCube games. I replaced the CD drive a year or so ago now. I have a switch and Xbox one, which I do use. But the Wii definitely still gets some love, I played new Mario Bros Wii just a few days ago, and the Mario party titles on the Wii are very good. I