Classic Rando

I will be disappointed if Layla doesn't find a way to push Avery off a badly misdesigned, publicly accessible hotel roof.

I'm missing Will, not so much Luke. I want Will to out that creepy closeted singer. I'm not at ALL interested in the petulant tween/teen stories, though I was amused that Colt was happy to have some structure and discipline in his life. Way to burn the absent Luke, Colt! (Why was Colt invited? I guess as Maddie's

That made me laugh a lot. And again, reading it here.

Asher sure gave Connor and Oliver a jealous look when they were smooching on the dance floor. But man, am I the only one who misses Connor's Magic Penis? It seems like yesterday that it was seducing men all over town for the purposes of plot advancement and information gathering (it's never just sex when it comes to

1. I am completely convinced by your argument, and admire its succinctness.

Connor's Magic Penis! It has to be allowed to roam free. It is Annelise's most important secret weapon. When Naked Connor appeared in front of Oliver I thought, "Yes! Connor is going to use his Magic Penis to make Oliver do something unethical," before I realised that was so last-season. Now Oliver is Connor's Twue

I am ashamed to admit that I'm really looking forward to this terrible show starting up again. Chew some more scenery, Jamal! Chew it! This show has replaced CSI: Miami as my hate-watching favourite. Its head is solid bone. But apart from the stereotyping, the vagueness of Abbudin as a society, let alone an actual

It's unquestionably Canada. Even the London scenes were familiar sights, from Convocation Hall when they get out of the cab for the first time to Regent Park for Clone Mother's apartment. Insolvent Phantoms of Toronto.

This was the most difficult and saddest season finale because it really did feel, at last, after at least two false-alarm series finales, to be an actual series finale. And I was intensely sad as a result: I kept looking at the clock and thinking "I only have X more minutes to spend with these people, EVER", and X

I wanted to love this episode. I really did! It had some funny bits but the whole thing didn't gel properly. What are they all doing at Greendale now? Jeff is teaching and what remains of the cast is all on the Save Greendale committee. But are Britta, Annie and Abed still taking courses? I suppose they must be, but


That section got the best Treehouse of Horror subsection title ever: "Hell Toupee".

Steven Weber has a great scary ominous presence. I'm not so happy about the crazy messianic girl who has now taken over the cult. And I'm also not wild about the division between "now" and "thirty years later". The basic template of season 1 is still there — isolated location with claustrophobic spaces and a strictly

Nick: "Jess! Why did you do that?! You know how he gets… he turns into a cartoon elephant of yesteryear who just saw a mouse."
Coach: "Which is offensive in the present day, because it seems like a gay stereotype they tried to sneak by us. 'Vmmm! [elephant trumpeting sound followed by very specific gay voice] Where's

I found myself flinching too. I knew I was going to hate being at that party and that it would all end badly for Patrick as soon as Kevin thanked him for the invitation.

I don't know, maybe it's just that I've always liked Jonathan Groff, but I really want Patrick to find happiness. I don't loathe him like some of you seem to, probably because he reminds me of me — I came out at age 26 and had a whole horrible new adolescence to go through. So I don't blame Patrick for being immature.

I was somewhat surprised that no one in the episode mentioned Edie having given birth to a baby in a barn, presumably a non-white baby given that the whole thing was "a long story. A long, racist story."

Hey, I'm not *always* Randy!

I must have missed it!

No one has mentioned Sam *sniffing* the jockstrap he was ironing. What was going on with that? I'd be more than happy if he turned gay for some reason, or just developed a jock-sniffing kink if it came to that — though what does it say about the show that I considered both possibilities and thought "Eh, equally likely