Classic Rando

Thank you! I thought I was imagining that it was her, and I was like, “Wow, is it really Aimee Mann or am I just *wishing* she would cover that song?”

No question about it, Starfleet is OK with genocide as a last measure. But it was jarring for the whole finale to turn on one heroic speech by Burnham about how genocide was not consistent with Federation values and then *immediately* to see Genocidal General smiling from the podium. “I’ve learned my lesson.

I’ve generally really enjoyed this series and disagreed with Zack about it on many counts. But this was a really weak finale. Especially the resolution to the Klingon War. So, um, I guess giving one Klingon captain the power to blow up the Klingon home world unites the empire, and, er, that somehow makes the empire

That was fantastic.

Rick: “We need to find shelter before sundown, Morty! Vinzenulon 9 has a night temperature of 300 below! We’ll freeze, Morty! We- we’ll be dead in seconds!”
Morty: “I... I think I saw a cave over there...”
Rick: “You’ve seen too many movies, Morty! A cave isn’t gonna cut it! <draws knife> We’re gonna have to use Beebo.”

Commander Waterford was expecting Offred and Ruby to be up for a threesome. In fact I'm kind of surprised he didn't insist on it.

I did, and thank you! I really appreciated it.

Well, aren't you a charmer. Here's my take: Barry is always Barry. He's always got that heroic thing in him that is independent of his powers. He gets knocked down, but eventually he gets up again, either via some useful revelation he has on his own, or, more usually, because of someone else's intervention. You say:

The toppings contain sodium benzoate. …That's bad.

The frogurt is also cursed. But it comes with your choice of toppings.

This was such a stupid episode. Stupid, as in insulting the viewers' intelligence. Future Barry doesn't have any information to help Present Barry …until he suddenly remembers he does. I guess changing the past doesn't mean the creation of any Flashpoints in Future Barry's world, so there's no problem giving Present

The AV Club

Davros Seaworth! EXTERMINATE!

I always wonder why, when Barry phases through something, he doesn't also plummet through the ground a bit. I mean, the non-solidity of objects doesn't exclude the Earth, does it? Or does he just have special shoes that somehow keep him up? Or did a wizard do it? When he phased the train through the world's

When Dirk and Todd's clothes got burnt off, I began to wonder if subtext would at last become text. Because it seems pretty clear to me that Dirk is heavily into Todd. (And maybe a bit of hot Todd-on-Dirk action would take care of some of Dirk's more annoying mannerisms and nervous energy!) Todd seems so puzzled,

No one's barebacking with me!

So happy we'll get some closure. I missed those guys.

FX giveth (three new seasons) and FX taketh away (the number of episodes per season). FX is a capricious deity.

Paul's entire reason for existing is to take his shirt off. And to brood.

Jacob was pretty hard to bear sometimes, but at other times I appreciated his take on things. That being said, by the time the site shut down, if I saw it was Jacob recapping a show, I would skip the recap. I loved the forums though. Oh the poisonous snark about CSI: Miami! Delicious.