Classic Rando

Who really believes Kurt and Blaine are over? No one? That's what I thought. Brittany and Santana were also always a guarantee, for the sake of equal opportunity of nothing else. If New New Directions had (not all that) Unique, now we have transitioning Coach Beiste, so that the gamut of sexual preferences and

I left the last episode bellowing "KHAAAAAN!" And I was really hoping the opening shot would establish him lying in bed next to Carrie in a state of undress, in a gesture of true international inter-agency cooperation. Alas, it was not to be. But the way he ratted out Duck at the end of the episode hints at the

I don't deny that the characterisation is weak for all the characters. There are lots of them, after all, and there's a crime of the week to solve as well as a murder to cover up: with only about 41 minutes' total time, it's hard to squeeze characterisations into the mix. So we get each character defined by one or two

I agree with the reviewer that Rebecca is the black hole of poor characterisation at the heart of this show. Without understanding her, we can't understand what Wes sees in her, and as a result all *his* actions are baffling as well, and since he basically forced Annalise into taking the case, everything and everyone

The A.V. Club

The whole premise of this show — ordinary American family suddenly finds itself at heart of corrupt Middle Eastern dictatorship — was so ridiculous that it undermined absolutely everything. How could Barry just quietly be a doctor in California without having to have a round-the-clock guard, given that his father was

I keep trying not to watch Tyrant. But it's hard to resist — it's such a train wreck. It's filling in the hate-watching gap left by the cancellation of CSI: Miami. Will our bland Americanized pseudo-Arab hero democratically carry out his coup against his cartoonishly evil and insane brother? I actually realised that I