It was all for oil... Oh, and he hated black people. Yep, diabolical.
It was all for oil... Oh, and he hated black people. Yep, diabolical.
Man, I wouldn't get anything done! Not to be Mr Obvious or anything, but I think we all know about where the Gawker staff stand politically if you've frequented their sites for any length of time. I wonder if we'll ever see an article on the technology that Acorn used to steal the election for Obama. Nope. …
Wow. What did he use for camera movement? Also, it's so cool to see that the clouds behave like mighty waters. This brings a whole new meaning to Genesis 1:6-8 for me... "Then God said, "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.". Thus God made the…
I honestly haven't seen as much, if any of this coming from Republicans. It's peculiar... Perhaps more conservative folks in the party take more of a personal responsibility to police mature content in all mediums with their children? I use the ESRB data when deciding what's right for my kids. It works just fine.
Apparently they already had the concept on paper? Also, what about validation and regulatory testing? Those eat up the majority of time/money in conventional development cycles.
The rating system works well today... Major retailer's enforce policy well... What's the problem? I think legislaters just want their names attached to laws that they think will help their own aspirations.
Ha! I thought "finger banging, no" meant this somehow wasn't a button masher. I actually read the article through wondering when will they mention the new control scheme. :)
That was classic!
That's a good question. I would also ask: Aren't most developers located in major cities where the cost of living is higher. The salaries are respectable, but if it requires mega-OT and a high COL, it might not be as attractive as it seems at first glance.
The funny thing is that this story is not over yet. I know that you're asking a legitimate question, but just wait to see the conspiracy theories grow from today's release from the white house. Every square mm of that document will be scrutinized.
Actually, he's was caught doing push ups on his finger tips. :)
Ha! That's an excellent point. It might be like the commercial that's been airing recently for the "phone that's a laptop, that's a phone". I'm pretty sure you're right about the TSA folks, but it would be so worth it!
Your point is compelling. I think adding credence to your point is the fact that availability often follows launch announcement by at least some period of ramp-up time. I will say that I'm so pleased with the iPhone 4 that an iPhone 5 would have to be revolutionary for me to buy in any time soon.
Exactly right! I made the mistake of buying a hulking Dell XPS M1710 a few years back... Probably my worst ever electronic purchase. 17" is way too big for portability, battery life sucks for portability, the thing will run like it's on fire because by nature, it's hard to keep cool. It's just an all around bad…
If you mean in a good way, not at all. Was I wrong?
Pornography is not suitable for in-public consumption, especially where children can ever be present. Anyone who defends this behavior in the name of free speech is a social troll with no shame. Not every depraved behavior is "protected" under the guise of free speech. So, how about it if any social trolls try to…
Exactly! What was happening with all of that removed material? You would have to think that there would be a constant flow of rock and soil coming out of a residence just outside the compound... Didn't anyone every get curious? Wow. Hopefully these folks will either reintegrate, appreciating their newfound…
Honestly, I'm a bit surprised that they didn't just dismiss all of his pending tickets at once. Why bring him back in 45 separate times to do the same thing? Going a step further, it should be discontinued until fixed.
How so? Please explain.
I love this stuff because I'm so cynical about speeding tickets... Especially automatic tickets! It's hardly about public safety... It's all about revenue. The problem? We all pay too much tax as it is! Good job Mr. Foreman!