
@musiqrulez: It was just my memory failing me... It's what I get for trying to be witty. ;)

@Mina M: You are correct! My bad. Apparently the song originated with David Bowie and Queen. The issue was privately settled it appears. They may have used a similar technique to prove the infringement even then. This should make musicians who sample think twice about not giving credit where it's due.

Wow, we can finally settle the dispute between Vanilla Ice and the Rolling Stones, once and for all.

@greyfish7: Thank you for confirming that I do not live in an alternate universe!

@curiouscomputer: Good point! You have to admit though, a rotating bridge would have added a new tactical evasion opportunity for Kirk, and would just be cool. :)

The Starship Enterprise was chrome and had a revolving bridge?

It looks very nice! Looking forward to 2.0... We all learn when we make something original. Thanks for sharing!

Wow, I had no idea! This is great! It's a wonderful thing when technology accomplishes something good like this.

Customer=1 - hotel=0

VLC also stands for "very likely crushed". I would consider a VLC only when everyone else has to get

@medopal: Mass and temp alone won't be enough to tell... Still, it doesn't seem too big a stretch to think they will find one planet with the target mass and temp attributes. It wouldn't surprise me if they already found the planet with those target attributes, and the "logistic curve" is just a way to make it seem

@medopal: The math was used to plot the curve that predicted when the data would likely produce a favorable result.

Mass and temperature only? How will we know that it's enough to predict suitable habitation? Sounds like a good first step to filter piles of data, but not nearly adequate to answer this question conclusively. Still, pretty cool technique!

Ouch. Still, these things can be poor indicators. I do have to say that Sony seems to have done a poor job marketing for this launch. Let's see if word of mouth, and pre-holiday marketing can give this the push they desire. Still not sure how I feel about it. Kinect seems more innovative to me, but still hard to

Um, Reach... Duh! :)

Wow! These should be Gizmodo branded! Anyone you see using one of these must be a Gizbot.

@Kevin Hulett: That's got to be one of my favorite cake designs to date! My dad was an electronic technician, self employed, so I grew up in a house full of open electronics and instruments. Nice!

@NTIV10: Defense attorney, I presume? What, I can't be an idealist? The reality is that the legal system has to deal with this newish threat of smart phones in a realistic, practical way. Throwing out the time/effort of jurors isn't very practical in an already burdened system. To me, looking up a definition of

@#16 for the win: Thanks for taking the time to engage me on this 16... You were fair and patient... I've been enlightened. Thanks again!