
@#16 for the win: I understand all of those things. Still, based on it's merits alone, looking up a definition doesn't compromise this defendants chance for a speedy and fair trial. In fact, it may have made it more "speedy". Not to implicate this defendants legal rep, there are too many aha/gotcha rules in our

@mantaTM: Didn't you see Berkeley's post? This thing will have pew pew power!

Of course, tablets are not the "be all-end all" of computing either. When you say that notebooks are going away, I don't think it's solely because of tablets. There will be something better... Picture cyborgtronics... Real neuro i/o's with genuine "retina display" all powered by human energy. The writing has been

This is the kind of news that makes me lose faith in our judicial system. A mistrial? Seriously? It seems to me that the verdict should be based on whether he did it or not. Defense attorneys seem to have too many ways they can turn their own poor performance into a victory. Imagine if the rest of us had similar

@Charliehorse: You're selling yourself short. How about a neck-jack like in the Matrix?

@Charliehorse: They have both had their wicked little way with me. We're both right... Sadly.

That is track-tastic!

@acidrain69: It's as if Microsoft is marketing them!

@vinod1978: Spot on brutha! Just say no to 3D glasses, where the "D" stands for "don't"!

I will be buying a new HDTV next year. Unless they do it right, without glasses, I will not be intending to add 3D. The glasses are the nail in the coffin to me. I would rather spend my dollars on p's than d's.

At the church I attend, we once invited local Muslims from a nearby university to debate the merits of our holy books and our faiths. It was very civil, it was encouraging, I think for both parties... I don't think anyone had their minds changed, but it was informative. No holy books were burned, and no one was

@Slagathorian: Save the trees and kill the children.: I'm not endorsing or criticizing this program... I just think this is a campaign to raise awareness. Clearly there is an obesity trend and clearly there are some interesting correlations that can be considered, (although not scientific). I don't think the intent

One of my children have been wanting this for months now. I was skeptical. After reading this review, I will buy it for him. I will tell him to thank Stephen from Kotaku. It does look great!

We have now learned the true energy source for the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man! Let's bring him back to life... Unless, of course, these boxes are filled w his fragments. :(

You will carry a fanny-battery pack tethered to the e-paper. Fanny packs will be here to stay, once and for all! Mwahahaha!

They look like prints... Not actual board components. Which is it?

@effoffpunk: Personally, I don't like the commercial Christianity any more than you do... To me, it dilutes the message. The reason believers share their message is because a). They want to help you be saved too, and b). The Bible tells them to. Too bad that their persuasion tactics are often as cheap as this

@Odin: My theory is that the PSPGo would sell like gangbusters if the digital downloads were discounted considerably. I think the price point for mobile games on the current PSP is too high. I buy a lot of console games new or nearly new at $60, but I can trade that in if I want to. A digital download is all yours,

@shift123: Never had one that did that... That would suck in general. I'm guessing a bike of this level would not have a 1-to-1 linkage like that.