
Trust me, I was taking the think it, be it approach.

I am hanging in there.

Get in here, the both of ya!

You’re allowed to criticize Biden. And we’re allowed to call you an edgelord who forgets how things were just six short months ago.

It has been proven over and over that Americans don’t respond to reason and logic. They respond to folksy, corny bullshit. Biden knows his audience.

This hot-ass take is one step away from, “sure, the last guy was awful or whatever, I guess, but he sure made great television, amirite? God, this guy is so boring! Bring back the clown show!

1. Its been 6 months.

The correct nomenclature is “DemocratIC politicians”.

Haha that is a great screen name :)

Counter point,

Hello friend! :D

Corny and hokey is so much better than nasty and petty though, as those were the options.

there are plenty of things to criticize Biden for; a press release about an attempt to reach meaningful herd immunity is not one of them

It’s a mean-spirited and pointless article.

Let Uncle Joe be cringe

Of course it’s dopey. Most gubmint publicity schemes are. But any strategy to get a few more of the lumpen to shuffle on down and take the shot is ok in my book. As fucked up as the whole thing is, around 2/3 is pretty much miracle territory.

I dread the return of the Left Wing Purity Tests. Lets just focus on keeping the world from sliding into the gutter and worry less about word choice in a press release. 

Seriously. The last guy put KIDS IN CAGES and here Jez is complaining about Biden using a clumsy metaphor.

You want Trump as president? Because this kind of complaining is how you get Trump as president.