
Just looking at his face. Not his looks, but the fact that I have never seen him with anything but a scowl on his face (except when he went on that tirade and it was full on anger.) I’m not going to be a hypocrite and tell him he should have to smile, but this goes past RBF. He’s actively scowling all the time. Nobody

Runnin’ his mouth, diggin’ in his nose, biting fingernails and spitting them on the floor, eating his nasty ass lunch at his desk...

It would be like sharing a cubicle with Ted Cruz.

This is why I could never go into politics. Imagine working every day with a group of the most evil people on the planet. I wouldn't last a week in there without killing someone.

I’m pretty sure he is still in possession of his viscera. I’m sure she screamed quite eloquently into the void, but that’s all it is at this point.

“I really got some zingers in on that school bully!”

Hell, the way its going she may as well get a custom rubber stamp that says ‘Fuck You and the Idiocy You Rode in On’

I’ve been wondering often what Sotomayor thinks of her current lot. It must be so dismaying to have to work with colleagues like this! But her voice is so necessary and important recently (this, death penalty cases, other dissents) that of course she must stay and I’m grateful she’s there. How frustrating.

Nailed it.

I guess Kavanaugh's Federalist Society paymasters must have figured out that the school-to-prison pipeline could be made much more profitable by eliminating the school part.

this sc decision is literally horrific. i literally just read an article about people who had previously been sentenced to life without parole as juveniles. of course, most of those people were black men because our justice system is deeply racist. i am honestly really appalled and concerned. this kind of decision

Fuck that guy, and his ugly face, and his rancid opinions.  And Squi and PJ and Tobin, while we’re at it.

OH god. I’ve seen guys who look like this working as middle school PE teachers all too often. Once that afterglow of high school wears off.. sheesh.

and yet never ever, never ever ever:

oh yum!


Missing you, every day. A little bird is telling me that Matis is keeping watch over you, too. Sending love ♡ ♡ to both of you. Of this, there can never be too much.

That they were. What a beneficent surprise it always is to find you here. Even when you vanish and leave but some scintillating bon mots behind: your unique form of fairy dust. Are you still Twittering? Perhaps, I shall follow your sparkles there. Hope all is well with Danny and all you love in these crazy times.....

Good. Exhausted. Happy to hear from you. So, so happy.

Miss you, every day.

Transmission is mostly through droplet iirc, and it can depend on the volume and projection of his voice. But it is incredibly short-sighted and does not bode well for someone who might ascend to the highest court in the land.