Crone of Arc
Or simply as a person. Fuck the whole bunch of them. If taking an IQ test was a requirement for a marriage license (or for issuing them) she’d have never been married once, let alone 4 times.
She really is. 94 with an attitude.
Damn. Now I’m starving. (note: I’ve been hungry since reading about Cap’n Crunch’s bid for president)
Maybe a rotovirus pushed her? Or someone running to the head?
Got it. Don’t have kids to save a marriage. Don’t go on a cruise to save a relationship.
I suspect your suspicion is correct. Though Anne does seem like one of those “I’m just high on life” sorts. (I feel compelled to reiterate that I do like her)
Who you calling poutine?
I’ve joked that it finds me. I’m just the vessel. But my grandmother has called me “dreck magnet” ;)
This is AWESOME.
You’re the second person to point out the “theater kid” theory. It makes sense
Very fair interpretation
In prior “conversations” I think we settled on the premise that she may just be a little too earnest. Not enough “Be cool. Just don’t be uncool”. Not going to fight you though. Your’s is a popular opinion :)
I happen to like Anne. I think she’s talented. But telling someone the first time you’ve hung out that they’re a “magnificent creature” might be a bit much? Maybe more for a second meeting. Or a wedding toast. Eulogy?