
I’m not familiar with his work, but his name has a certain ring to it.

The Academy knows two things; that people aren’t happy with the way things are, and that people don’t want things to change.

Consider it done.

I know. He told everyone but us. I feel left out.

That pic is the first I see of Simmons new haircut and...yeah, I don’t like those bangs.

I think we can’t also rule out parallel universe shenanigans. Without knowing exactly how the timey wimy reset stuff plays out in End Game, this Coulson could be from anywhere.

Nah, May would have known.

It’d be kinda weird about that since the Ghost Rider deal is what was killed him in the first place. 

AoS is never connecting with the MCU again, and that’s fine, because it’s doing it’s own thing and I love it.

(But if Agent May were to make a cameo at the end of Captain Marvel as Coulson’s new partner I would run up and down the damn aisles at the movies.)

God I love this show. Hope it sees a solid bump in fandom by running during the summer. Short episode count kinda sucks tho.

God DAMN I can’t wait for this.

Yeah despite how good Winter Solider was that movie really screwed up the first half of AoS but the show rallied and hard. I’m excited for this.

I don’t care what the rest of the world says, I’m all in!

If someone told 2013 Me that Agents of SHIELD would become one of my favourite shows - heck that Season 4 would be some of the best mainstream TV period - I would have laughed in their future faces. Those early episode were ROUGH, but wow-wee, it truly clicked after those faltering first steps.

On the other hand, maybe that’s a good thing. I think it would be difficult to recapture the original magic after all this time.

As a fan of Rogue and Wraith Squadrons, there’s really only one thing for me to say:

did anybody say healthy? just realistic, for the situation the protagonist is in. she does not want children, but she does EVERYTHING to get them to safety. 

I think the point was that she had always naturally shied away from creating relationships. Not naming the kids was a way to continue that and even protect herself, given the new normal / creatures. It created a barrier between herself and the children. That’s why, at the end, when she acknowledges that she’s their

As juansmith says, this isn’t the Hollywood stereotype of a dad. But it is absolutely the video game stereotype of a dad, from Last of Us to God of War by way of Bioshock nfinite and many others.