
I have refrained from posting on io9 for a long time. A long time. However, I decided to break that streak after such a significant duration just to share the reaction which your comment elicited in me.

Indeed. And thusly bad news about your own proposed, on-camera performance. 

They do. However, most actors don’t like being typecast as anything, hero, villain, or whatever. Not only can that be artistically tedious, it can also limit one’s career. 

Yeah. Sadly, given the timeline shown from “Off to save the galaxy!” and “Where’s Fury?”, I doubt we’re going to see them together again. I suspect the next time we meet Monica, it’ll be a bittersweet reunion discussing Maria’s passing.

Flerkens are comic book canon from 2014. Granted, it could still mean they were in the earliest drafts of the movie and intentionally put into comic book canon but I am inclined to doubt that.

“...though I did cry when she met Maria again”

I thought they were being a bit rude. Although, very American! Maybe it just hit too close to home in reminding me of all those times people asked me ignorant questions like: “Do you guys have electricity in Jamaica?”

I quite literally thought to myself during the first half, “Oh, this poor man. A fine actor who is getting relegated to villainous roles.”

Video of your response is, of course, required.

The big question is: Are we going to get closure on knowing Davis’ apparently amazing story of survival?!

IIRC: They’ve hinted at the underlying setting for each successive pod/season within the preceding pod/season. Magic, virtual reality, time travel, etc. Last season we had Deke give Daisy an alternate reality speech (which she shuts down by slapping him) that had no relevance to that season.

Star Wars not being ‘avant garde AF’ is as insulting as yelling at a cat for not barking.

NB: I didn’t mean to suddenly drop out of this debate but I think I said what I wanted to say and also wanted you to have the last rebuttal. Have a wonderful Life Day Season!

Please don’t leave that there. Pick up your trash.

Aw, thanks, my dude! But, no. The world has enough blithering idiots blathering nonsense, right now. The market is flooded.

No, but you’re saying that he’s saying that any Cyberpunk-related product that clings onto older aesthetics is doing it “wrong,””

“I don’t think he’s demanded a council be created to approve all stories going forward or anything.

As the kids say: Nah, fam.

“Aladdin is Chinese. If anyone should be up in arms, it should be them culturally. They aren’t though....as you may be able to tell.

First, the caveat: We’re arguing about the nuances of contracts neither one of us has read (I presume).