
“But I think that this is where a really good, experienced production team comes in. Them being so hands on with the Marvel brand might be an asset...

Wait, what is this and where do I get it?

“Damn, more and more obscure groups I never heard of.

We’re all human. 

He influenced me. I was copying his work as a kid. I didn’t become a comic book artist but my hand-drawn stuff was definitely influenced by what I learned in copying his line-work and framing. 

I haven’t come across this Latin phrase since I was subscribed to military magazines like Defence & Diplomacy. Yes, I’m old. But, wow. Thanks for reminding me of it, and the how it cemented the concept of offence/defence escalation in warfare, security, and tech in my mind.

Al Williamson? Now that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time. A long time.

I’ll bet IAIN is a squint jockey. They always think they’re hotshots. 

“Mob rule and mob justice is real. There are many tools available to those who wish to push their personal will and desire onto others. Besides, most governments will inevitably start reflecting the desires and directions of the populace. It starts at the bottom and social media has given the most radical voices a

“No, it’s just puritanical dweebs insisting it stop being sold. Sure, it’s not a governmental body that’s preventing you from buying the costume (that already exists and was for sale), it’s the baying hang wringing piety brigade.

No one is ‘forcing’ a good goddamn thing here. Entertainment, whether substantive or candy-cornish, whether narrative or costuming, is free to be made by the public, consumed by the public, and rejected or pilloried by the public. As a company providing costume entertainment, Yandy responded to criticism.

Huh? Let’s review my statement (with emphasis added).

Legends of Tomorrow is a campy show focused on fun but with a solid, beating heart. Daredevil is a gritty street-crime(-fighting) story with complex moral conflicts. Both succeed magnificently in their niche.

“Well, it helps a little bit that Clark Gregg is probably an alien himself, who barely got a single wrinkle since the ancient times of “New Adventures of Old Christine”.”

Don’t forget how much emphasis Walker put on Joy letting her keep the job, even after Davos lobbied to fire/kill her AND after Joy found out about Mary/Walker’s condition.

There’s still an outside chance he knows he’s being hateful (especially if he thinks it’s okay because he just so gosh-darned clever at it). SPOILER: He’s not very clever.

He’s just a nice person who treats people like people, and not as underlings or less-thans. He’s also very affable, not withdrawn (not a slam against many performers who are guarded for very understandable reasons), which adds to his likability. A good energy which made me miss working full-time on season 2.

As a dude who worked on all of S1 and some of s2, with (show call) friends currently working on it, all I can say is: ...!

Now playing

Right? Steve is a layered character played with nuance, and yet not so complex as to ever be unrecognizable in any moment. They’ve walked the tightrope of his depiction with dexterity and sincerity.