
2 years later and I just wanted to remind everyone that you’re still a piece of shit.

I don’t think you understand either my comment or the article you posted.

It seems the only thing you enjoy more than speaking in an authoritative voice is telling people how stupid they are for not viewing communication as you do. Not the most congenial way to go through life but that’s your choice.

In some polite circles, we like to use words which indicate actual meaning so as to save others from misinterpreting them. And if misinterpreted, we don’t argue about implicit meaning, we just cordially add clarification.

Conversation > Google.

I love you and I think this is and ever shall be my favourite Kotaku comment ever. Fly on, little wing.

Do I agree or disagree with you? Well, like the Starklings, that question seems irrelevant to my appreciation for your ability to raise dragons, er, craft a written piece. So, I salute that writing in and of itself.

I somewhat agree but they have done a marvelous job (thanks to the mainstream conservative media, the right-wing radio polemicists, and the modern Goebbellites like Coulter) of trolling the left, liberals, et al. about tolerance.

Indeed. It’s probably a mix of ignorance, finance, desire for anonymity (that piece of hardware has to be on someone’s property), and fear of security attacks. And while, on a detached logistical level, I can sympathize with any such concerns about privacy and security, in the realest sense, I have no sympathy for

“Which is, in essence, stifling speech in the modern age.”

Heh! Cool, cuz I was trying to wrap my head around it all and failing. Granted, that’s not new for me but I suspected it may not have been my fault this one time.

No, dawg. Your comment is kinda pitchy.

*sticks fingers in ears*

I’m ... I’m not entirely sure why you’re telling me this.

Haha! Nice.

Now playing

I mean, this asshole gave Fox News commenters some ammunition when he harassed this woman, snatched her property, and the resulting events. Note, of course, that this YouTuber cut the video before the counter-protestor’s medic attempted to render aid.

Pictured: George Lucas

Emperor Nero seems to think the word usage is fine.

Does this make him an Aryasian? Can we portmanteau this?