Angelo Barovier

Personally, I don't think anyone should die on that hill because it's futile to argue with the people who are vexxed or those telling them to chill. I think they should chill but I'm not about to directly tell anyone to do so. I haven't walked a mile in their shoes.

I can't remember it verbatim but it was akin to "That was for me Ma." It wasn't at all difficult for me to discern. YMMV.

Yep. That's what I was getting at with: Where's Trevor Slattery?

Thanks! But I have seen it.

Sir Ben Kingsley is an international treasure. He took what is, on paper, little more than a walking punchline and made him a believable human being.

Coulson says: "Talk to the hand."

Yeah, but … actually, I got nuthin'. Unless there are future plans for the character, I saw no creative value in calling him Zemo.

"Coulson forgets that Shield's index from before was basically a similar "registration act"."

I liked him, too, though he didn't drive the plot at first and I think that's what a lot of people find criticism in (though I do not).

That was incredible, too! Or Sarah pretending to be Alison acting as Donnie in front of the therapy group. I mean, to be able to see the character through the performance of another character is a treat — even when it's Cosima's adorably awful Alison impression at the rally. And we're all spoiled by how often it

He's really rightfully earned his way into a larger role on the series. The way he plays against Helena is a highlight for me.

OTOH, people are often not from just one place and accents get muddled and crossed all the time.

I love how it's almost easy to forget Tatiana Maslany has been doing this for four goddamn years and, one controversial trans clone aside, has been unflinchingly brilliant (FTR: I was fine with Tony).

Yes, we trust Scott. Well, I do, anyway. Mostly because, of all the characters in the show, he best represents me. Just a loyal nerd happy to be included in a cool people club … from time to time.

"…and refuses to understand why she'd be suspicious is ridiculous."

According to the show creators, that's a real medical condition. So, yeah. Truth is stranger than fiction and all that.

Did it? Neat. Well, as a sibling whose three initials are the same as another sibling's, I can totally see it being used that way.

* * SPOILERS * * for Agent Carter, obv.

Shaddup, (Green) Lantern lover!

Like the Kennedy assassination? Um, I gonna go with Humorous Exaggeration for 200, Alex.