Angelo Barovier

"Liberals are ok with cracking down on illegal immigration and gangs?" Yes. What gives you the impression liberals support illegal immigration and gang violence? Cite something tangible beyond your own personal perspective. Or justify your POV somehow.

"Seems to me… we want to cut down on gun violence, cracking down on gangs and illegals would help dramatically. Yet liberals refuse to face that fact."

I think it only serves as a temporary write-out to lighten the finale's load. If, er, when they get a fifth season, there remains an option to bring her back. The parting of her and Felix was more than amicable. Kisses and hugs and promises for the future.

"Have you named it yet?"

Toronto Truther!

"You are safe?" she asked, and patted Felix on the cheek.

"I called one day about an outage and the customer service guy was like, "Believe me, I know we have to get it fixed before the hockey game""

No, it IS that weird out there.

Or she took an Uber.

I like Adele! I hope she isn't entirely out of the picture (but sidelining her for the finale makes sense).

"People have a habit of bouncing back in this universe."

I believe he comes to us via Scott. One of his gaming buddies from S3, I wanna say. Beyond that, I have no idea.

This show stomps all over that last one. Well, maybe just Helena.

"…but with more characters comes more potential for deaths."

The scary part is, it's not outside the realm of possibilities. Hell, maybe you should start-up a camp for it and make some profit out of it. Weirder things have made money.

If that craze happens, I'm blaming you for spawning it.

"I know we focus a lot on Maslany — her skill in this is unquestionable. But sometimes the rest of the cast just brings it…"

They as in the characters? Or as in the writers.

Well-played, planeswalker. Well-played.

She's self-conscious about her scars. And I imagine more so when she's looking at an unscarred version of that face.