Angelo Barovier

You are a ruiner of fun! I shall now delete that memory from my brain and continue down the path of speculation. "That way lies madness," you say. But I say, "Don't orange underneath zebra holding eats of with aeroplane blue watermelon and!"

My take is that she wasn't crying for the would-be killer. She was crying because Frank was the one doing the killing.

I'm basically a hippy-dippy, progressive, liberal-minded, atheist(agnostic?), mixed race, wannabe-intellectual, nerdy, artsy-fartsy, Canadian peacenik. And Sava's reviews turn my fookin' stomach.

Sava's gonna Sav.

You! *shoves Tereglith through a doorway* Get in that writer's room and get to work. Don't think of it as forcible confinement. Think of it as an opportunity.

"Legally he's right. Ethically, he's an ass."

"…the fabulous trifecta of Zelena, Regina, and Cora."

Queen Moira* will never be wholly replaced in mine.

"I kinda just an itsy,bitsy,bit felt sorry for Pike and what will happen to him. Pike did what he did out of fear an nothing else. The man is so darn scared he wasn't able to make rational decisions. So that is why I feel just a tiny bit of sympathy for how he is going to suffer."

"Why am I having the feeling Pike being captured means guy may survive and gets to live?"

"…but the only way Pike would have known Monty betrayed them was if she had volunteered that info."

There is likely a need for a least a modicum of 'free' submission for the tech the work. It's an angle that is used in spec fiction frequently enough. A subtle but distinct difference between being cognizant enough to know you 'have to submit' (or choose to suffer the consequences) and outright rejecting the

I really liked Jasper's "I don't care!" line. Clarke, who is essentially The Chosen One, suddenly has her world rocked. Her face read to me: "What? How is that allowed? I have important things to do! I'm the most important person on the planet! Everyone has to care! It's my thing."

This pretty much nails how I was feeling before I could sort it out in my own head. So, thanks for that!


Very AWESOME. Fist-pumping, woo-hoo-ing awesome. "I am no Jedi." RAWR!

The creators put a shot of Ahsoka walking back into the temple. Ease up, ragey ranger.

I miss her, too.

Also Queen Moira. She also knew what Oliver was up to.

Sure, I did see the transition of months but while the series may not adhere to the real world's calendar, generally the sequential relationship with the MCU remains the same. DD S2 happens before Civil War, in my opinion, even if that means it ends December 2015. Of course, it is also possible it ends December 2016