Angelo Barovier

So, I went back and watched. At least two of the cops in elevated positions had sniper rifles, possibly all three. The rest had ARs (with scopes) which were really pointless to fire from ground level if the snipers could only see above the shoulders at their angle.

I don't think it's just you. It's a common professional tactic in swaying people to the Dark Side, er, I mean, into positions with the promise of a higher or more permanent position once a certain probationary period has been completed.

"*Frank shows up for no reason, shoots some ninjas*"

I'd say the operative angle here wasn't sympathy per se so much as the absence of condemnation. Subtle difference but important in my read of Karen.

In lawyer-speak that doesn't sound explicit at all. It sounds like a question designed to elicit an emotional response and not a promise of partnership.

*unreasonable amount of time later*

He had already made effective overtures to the guards. That's why a bunch of them were there when Frank was kept locked in with the old boss' thugs. Removing the old boss from the picture was the final step in a long-running plan.

Oh, I'd agree it's the usual shorthand but this series has had actual police snipers (and some crazy dude who quotes children's books) who sniped with actual sniper rifles. That said, I take your point about shorthand because that's another decision which adds to the interpretation of the scene.


(Add to that: The reason Matt is in peril is because he is out there breaking the law and making you cover for him.)

Oh, I don't think she lacks a code. Hers is just more … permissive. It's not like she'd stab a barista through the heart for spelling her name wrong on the cup.

In ".380", Daredevil at the docks listening for trouble. The camera creeps up from behind, with the bay skyline ahead of us and then swings around in closeup on Matt. It's one of the most picture perfect and note-perfect shots of Daredevil and the city. That single shot alone is as cool and characteristic to me as any

"Stick isn't really working. He was originally conceived by Frank Miller as a kind of anti-Obi-Wan — the same idea, but with exaggerated crudity and gutter language rather than mellifluous kindness — but it's not really coming off right onscreen."

I think that's less connection and more speculation. Google will also tell you the MCU has diverged from its source material where it has suited them. Near as I can tell, there are no significant MCU connections.

I saw that and immediately wondered if the sign-holder was supporting Frank's actions or punnily condemning him?

Elevated positions are not automatically sniper positions. Did all those cops have sniper rifles? That's not how I remember it. I could be wrong but they seemed like tactical carbines to me (an actual gun expert is gonna have to confirm).

All those cops were snipers? That's a lot of snipers on the payroll. Not that I liked the staging of that scene but let's not assume every cop in tactical gear is a dead shot.

I think Caroline is saying it was new for her not new for fiction in general.

Generally (Agent Carter's timeline aside) Marvel releases things chronologically. Luke Cage might also be an exception.

That's only a problem for people who live in Manhattan and cannot imagine the city would be any different with Kingpins, Chitauri, and ninja running around.