Angelo Barovier

So, what you're saying is, one plastic participation trophy could've made all the difference in the world. I buy it. You hear that art critics? Your snobbery is growing the next Hitler.

Okay, okay, Milkproof. We get it. You've told us before. Now, put down the sword. This is not a field of battle. It's Denny's. Order a burger or something.

That man grows good tubers, I'll have you know.

Hitler liked animals and was a painter. I mean, aside from the whole genocide thing, vituperative polemicizing, and casual megalomania, why is he portrayed as such a bad man?

I always heard nice things about him, even when he was a little bit crazy back in the day. The fan stories about him were almost always positive if not outright touching. The EW obit today mentions his response to the movie The Wrestler and how he cried into Mickey Rourke's arms.

Classy time to quibble.

Tears will be shed when she does. I can promise you that.

In defence of Tom Cruise haters, though (wait, what, why am I doing this?), while this serves as a case against his insecurities but still serves as a case for his arrogance.

OoOOooo. I did not know that. However, I'll never admit it under oath.

You're drunk again, aren't you?

Never more sweetly than he did to the role in Tropic Thunder.

"For the sake of keeping the list manageable, we’ve excluded films with an extensive literary blueprint (like the Harry Potter series), and series that frequently press the reset button (like the James Bond or Muppet films)."

I'll mention it for you. Army of Darkness is the third film of the Evil Dead franchise and does not qualify for this article. We cool?

Meme alert:

I liked the werewolf! And leaving Dru in the wind meant she wasn't dead. Which, to me, is a better choice.

"I'm feeling grief for him. I can't seem to control it. I wish to do more violence!"

You're totally right. When people don't share your opinion it's definitely because there is something wrong with them. Or something wrong with the world.

Spike's protectiveness of Fred also, well, slays me.

Hrm, given the choice, I'd have to say: Yes.

They're mostly teaching us that Wikipedia is not a credible citation source and how to post food pictures on Instagram. And by us, I mean them. Because I'm an old fossil.