Angelo Barovier

I'm guessing a challenge to fight in a boxing match, or getting the WBC to protest Mongrel Media's offices, or something something be a real man like tough guy ElDan something something.

So, he should have gone to their offices and punched someone instead? What is your non-wuss solution to an issue of public perception and credibility in the realm of entertainment?

I think it's adorable that your default state is in thinking your methodology when it comes to reviews is either everyone's methodology or should be. :)

That seems like a legitimate response.

If the entire movie had been weirdos in an apartment complex (including a mysterious badass) band together to defend their home against villains, I would've loved that movie.

John Travolta was brilliant in simultaneously sleepwalking through his performance AND chewing scenery. Thomas Jane was just fine but could only do so much with a limited script. And the story was more engaging when it was about a bunch of weirdos living in an apartment building than, y'know, about punishing criminals.

So, not Judgment Night, then?

This is me, not clicking on that Totally Not Suspicious Nor At All Spammy Link.

I don't really find that a fair defense for two reasons:

Hey, I'm just posting the signage per management. Take it up with them. Just punchin' a clock, here, pal.

Well, that's a valid point. If you can't watch them, how could anyone in their right minds like them? What are they thinking?!

*throws coins on stage*

Hey, everyone, observe the rule:

GOTW? Gone Over The Wind? Get Over That Wall?

We all gotta have goals.

"Good news, Farhd! You have been promoted to 3rd-in-command."
"Oh, crap."

Not sure if serious.

Will you please clear the goddamn frame!

Pizza's as plural, used by an adult native speaker of English, is grounds for extradition to a small, unpopular island near one of the poles, IMO.

Kinda sorta. In technical arenas which may use lower case letters in acronyms and initialisms, an apostrophe in pluralization may help with comprehension. It's really become rather widespread outside of even that, though.