Angelo Barovier

Do I have to be able to quote from memory or can I cheat? Because after a few seasons, I lost interest in The Simpsons.

You might be surprised how many formal style manuals either allow or even encourage it. I'm not saying they're right to do it but the argument will eventually devolve into Ye Old Prescriptive vs Descriptive debate.

Real life has far too much sun in it.

What do you have against vacuum cleaners? You, sir, are a racist!

IME, AV Club is not the place for them to peddle their shit. The commentariat here is far too snide and unforgiving of whackadoodles for them to last for any real length of time. There's a whole lotta 'We ain't havin' any of your shit here' here.

Well, I don't know about professions but women generally do not like men entering women's restrooms. See? See the misandry?!

In some academic quarters, "MRA's" would be acceptable usage. You may declare them heathen, though. I've got no horse in this mountain that is alive with the sound of silence.

Forrest Gump's mom knows why.

"Cyber stalking is the same as stalking. Menacing phone calls, emails, etc…it is all harassment and falls into that category and she be treated with a restraining order and harassment suits."

I know blame Canada is a fun song and all but that was not a decision made by Canadians. That was a FIFA call.

(Amazon is blocked where I am)

LOL. Male empowerment? Because male empowerment is so lacking in popular culture? What you're saying is, feminist attributes (or just basic female empowerment) in an action movie is nothing you find praiseworthy (for reasons, I guess, which is a whole 'nother debate).

I see.

Yeah, but, sir, I cannot credit you with an overabundance of rational thought: "This has given me some level of peace on the issue, to realize the violence of the gay agenda, and to treat it as the violent, perverted movement that it is."

Yar! The man is delightful.

Not even in the springtime?

Hah! I went to their site (Amazon is blocked where I am). It's the only color in their line which says: "On backorder - Expected in stock 07/29/2015."

"I'm the old-fashioned guy who likes some setup and motivation in his films."

Sales of silver spray paint went up this year. So did emergency room visits and calls to poison control centres. Coincidence?

Comment thief! Now, what the hell am I supposed to write?