Angelo Barovier

Hey, now. We like your smile as it is. The bleach thing? Not so great. Cheers!

"No issue which affects so few people gets so much coverage, and I doubt its even close."

So, what you're saying is, reporters have often been insensitive, sensationalist, or dumb as bricks about every topic of interest? That's just … yeah, it's … Well, you're not wrong.

Did you just acknowledge your original opinion as being at best in haste and at worst flat out wrong? On the internet? In a public forum?

Oh, well, that really clears things up. I see the world in a new light, now. I am saved!

What a lovely tirade which hinges on how terribly unimportant the opinion of 'every 20-year old girl' is as compared to, say, yours. Oh, Minnelli.

You be careful mentioning The Unicorn Nobles of Pluto. You know what they can do to whistleblowers.

I have no fish to feed the sea lions, I'm afraid but The Google Machine is free to use in most places. So, there's that.

"…but the fact that you don't engage with someone's argument, even if they are being dismissive, shuts down dialogue and ultimately understanding."

It might be something you put on the table pre-interview, though, so that the subjects don't seem quite so taken aback as they did in the clips presented. From a television interview perspective, it is rude (and unprofessional) for that forethought to be absent.

That there is mercury in vaccines is the nugget of a point. It's also woefully simplifying to the point of obfuscating. Absent nuance and meaningful context, the nugget of a point may just be a turd. It isn't an inherent signifier of redeeming qualities.

You leave Karl Rove out of this.

"This is my understanding of it. Anyone else have anything to add?"

I was unable to locate any pictures of this. :(

No…. really?! Ha. I hope there are pictures. To the Google Machine!

Haha! That's a TKO, right there.

Indeedy-do, and to you.

I dunno if I agree with presentation versus content but that's a semantic minefield and I'm really behind on my current projects. Besides, I think we're generally in agreement here.

No, you haven't cleared it up to the satisfaction of the court. To the spice mines of Kessel for you. Guards, take him away!
