Angelo Barovier

Being fired by your 'wussy agent' already implies the agent did the deed but was under significant pressure (to which they succumbed presumably because of their wussynomic condition) to do so.

"…then her agent should so inform her - which apparently he did."

Erm, because that's what Firefly does? Wait, what?

Fair'nuff. I inferred a different meaning but, in my defence, I'm crazy.

Um, no. It helps us distinguish it from Sugar Mountain. And Mountain Dew. And Hot Pockets. Wait, what?

Balthazar still sits around, smugly happy that his name is considered cool. Weird and archaic. But still cool.

Yeah. I'm not from the South (nor am I American) (although I'm 1/8th South American) so when the CF debate crept up, my first two thoughts were the General Lee and Lynyrd Skynyrd, neither of which I ever associated with racism.

No single move 'fixes' everything. If that's the metric by which progress is approved then we shall remain inert for a good, long while. Baby steps. Many hands. Butterfly effect. Yadda yadda. They are all significant.

"All shall love me and despair!"

Yes, you think it's just a simple culinary export taking root. You keep thinking that while my fellow comrades, er, Canadians keep plotting, er, discussing current affairs.

I shall refrain from waxing obsessed about what I consider to be a 'proper' poutine experience and simply say, I am happy you enjoyed your meal. :)

I approve your entry into the country. If there are any problems at the border, just tell them to call me. I'll straighten it out.

If you're ever passing through Toronto, I'll point you to my fave locations for it. Cheers!

I hear they have fast-transfer biotech. Fingerprint scan and a PIN# is all it takes. But HYDRA pays better. So, y'know, gotta make choices.

Right, right, Hail Hydra and all that. Whee. When do I get paid?

Katja used terrible hair dye. It was just so 1990's. And she was in the terminal stages of the clone condition. But, really, the hair. That was a mercy killing.


To a fault. That's our baby ox.

Binging this show (especially after S1) is hard. You need time to digest and absorb before moving on to the next one. Still, you're a champ for slogging through,

"It's gonna be a long 10 months."