Angelo Barovier

Fair'nuff but Helena didn't rape anyone on top of it all, nor did she ever actually harm a child (though she almost caused one to come to harm, save for that child's Wolverine genes). And we now know that's intrinsically off-limits to her.

Well, Mark became a nice guy but he still killed or took part in killing that nice man in the diner who tried to help Sarah at the beginning of season 2. As a former diner employee, I have a hard time getting past that. Personal grudges and all.


Poutine has no region except maybe Montreal (which is akin to saying 'real' pizza only comes from Chicago or New York, depending on whose side you pick). Other than that, it's just plain Canadian at this point. Very popular winter (or latenight clubber) food.

Halfway through the scene I stopped wondering where other people were (and understanding it was too early for Jessie Towing to be there) and remembered there were four versions of the same actress sitting around.

Is Donald Trump self-aware?

There's always a bigger fish.

But which Bush? Don't make sweeping generalizations, you blatant Bushist!

Hrm, cannot tell if serious.

For the weekend? Below Entourage.

I actually didn't know that. I visit Amell's page from time to time for BTS stuff and Ollie with a lightsaber memes (he's adorable, really) but I don't stalk the production all that much. I just presumed she was a Yank.

The Leda clone condition is not the same thing as what Castor clones give to women.

Having already covered up for her (and for the other clones), he's in deep. If he exposes Helena, he exposes the other clones, and exposes himself. So, he's motivated to continue the cover-up.

Hey, if you missed the Chimera storyline in Revenge, NCIS: New Orleans, and Two and a Half Men, it's your fault!

Are Felicity Smoak and Kate "Acid Burn" Libby representative of US geeks? I'm asking for a friend.

Ha, no. I can't start down that rabbit hole of restaurant stories, chum. That requires alcohol to loosen the lips and soften the blows.

Sure, but what I'm saying is we don't know what she knows, you know?

Bwahaha! Nice.

It will be a day long remembered.

I don't think the clones are meant to look 100% like Kendall.