Angelo Barovier

Go on. Let it all out. We're here for you.

Mind you, I'm no so sure Clan Hendrix was the more 'inconvenienced' party on that particular day. :)

Helena doesn't have the Mama Bear/Wolf archetype. That's Alison and Sarah and S. Helena is a victim of abuse who learned to kill and an outcast with childlike qualities who's been taken in by (now) two families. The Mama Bear/Wolf archetype doesn't quite fit her, once you're familiar with her backstory. An argument

"Also, anyone kind of miffed that the disease thing in Gracie has been brushed over after so much attention was paid to her when she got it while dancing?"

Helena successfully eluded local cops, interpol, Castor, and Dyad for a few years while killing her pre-sestras. I think she's got it taken care of.

"If the Ledas were clones of Siobhan's mom, wouldn't Siobhan have realized that long ago because they looked exactly like her mother?"

Well, technically, it makes her what we say it makes her as there is no formalized lineal designation for a blood offspring and a cloned offspring. That said, half-sister seems legit enough to me.

Don't have a clue or don't care because: drama/comedy? The whole B-story this season has been entertaining, IMO, and I don't need to know if it is authentic or not. We got the Helena Monster tearing into drug dealers, Cosima failing at an Alison impression, twerking, and "I'm Alison's bitch!"

Gracie took the bus from the House of S to Camp Hendrix. It was mentioned in the same scene where she was eavesdropping on the Clone Club conversation.


That's also a fair point. Fashion work (runway, Vogue) versus body work (SI:SE) generally don't overlap. Face work isn't discriminating between the two camps, for obvious reasons.

Yes, master. Why don't you relax and take a nap. Here, let me put away your wallet. And your car keys. I'll go put the kettle. You just lay back and close your eyes.

Sure it is. And it should come along with a note reading: "Thank you for poisoning your career and reducing the chances of future bags of money from other people. Welcome to the team!"

"I'm pretty sure that being an attractive sex object is the only prerequisite for being a supermodel."

If it makes you feel any better, it's also possible she was just working it shamelessly. I worked in a 24-hour diner for a few years. There was one waitress who'd do the latenight weekend shifts and flirt mercilessly with the strikeouts who came to sober up after the bars closed. She made good coin. She was, of

Counterpoint 1: Clash of Clans and its modern warfare clone. I think that company makes a third game, too.

I don't know who he's married to. I've liked his work. Who could be so shocking as his … WHAT?! I don't … huh? Uhh. Yeah. Well, there you go.

I don't think you're the one who missed that mark.

Easy, there, Renner. There's enough for your PR team to do this month, already.

I'm pretty sure Halle Berry having a choice of her own is why they're not using her.