Angelo Barovier

Played it before Upton made it a thing (I'm a GoW Pre-Upton hipster). You ain't missing nothing. I'm baffled at how it's become so popular.

Over time, we forgot you were in the room?

Fair enough. For clarity, I wasn't referencing any real world incident. I was just using a random violent analogy to skewer me some prequels. I can see where the confusion lay.

Right, sometimes I forget D&D magic was segregationist. Is there a Buzzfeed listicle about it, yet?

I'm not really sure what bringing up Tamir Rice in an entirely unrelated context does for this conversation but, sure. Loehmann and Garmback are bad cops who killed a boy through either incompetence or malice.

There is a such a thing as critical mass. One cannot be too careful.

Oh, come on, dude! He led a remarkable enough life that we don't need to start inventing tall tales to…

"Some actors think their career is a hothouse flower that needs to be tended carefully. Others just like their job and want to get out there and work. This guy was the latter."

I feel like being replied to with an Ira Glass quote (real or fictitious) is the height of my internet life. I have digitally peaked. It's all downhill from here, I guess.

The Meat Shield Union wasn't a fan of it either. I mean, "Protect the wizard!" is a common enough refrain as it is but that was just crazy. "I'm sorry, Mage, but when exactly will you be finished?"

Well, you can still take several bullets to the chest and cling to life before you take one to the head. Technically, it's the one to the head that kills you but it doesn't make the other wounds less significant.

If you have to ask, you can't afford to know.

Personally, I'm looking for something in the Banishment of Kardashians department. Preferably with a reasonable casting time.

Counterpoint: Terminator 2: Judgment Day

I think the doc has the authority to keep a lid on things, at least for a while. It's a nice sign of possible humanity that he's willing to risk discovery of his ruse in order to keep Krystal's eyes intact.

"Maslany doesn't have the looks or build to be a star"

Unless the people actually in production are lying, I'm afraid you're wrong. That's not to say they don't schedule stretches of Alison days or stretches of Helena days when they can but there are days of multiple 'gear-ups' for Maslany depending on production/script needs.

She's having a shitty day. Elsewhere.

Heh. I do. I also call myself Future Supreme Overlord of Planet Earth. Hey, my mom said I can be anything I want to be and that dreams do come true.

She really must mind her manners.