Angelo Barovier

Flashpoint did but they were always proud of their Canadianess — even calling officers 'constable'. Once they got a viewership foothold, they were less discerning. Lots of CN Tower shots and Canadian flags.

Um, okay, then. I'm not implying there is. I'm just being specific about why I think what I think. Yeesh. Tough crowd.

I'm hoping it isn't her, too, but I'm not deranged. Well, I'm not yelling.

There's a 'see the world' joke in there somewhere but I haven't quite entirely eradicated my conscience yet. I need another bottle of Jack for that.

This is a strong possibility but, based on available evidence, it neither confirms Shay's treachery nor discounts Gracie's treachery. You may be right in the end but as it stands, your theory can neither be confirmed nor denied.

Are we sure Rudy knew Scott had the book on his person? He was asking as though he did not know, though he did know Scott would know.

Where has Mark been all this time? A: We don't know. Gracie takes the bus from The House of S to the Land of Hendrix.

And a Karate Kid bandana.

You can't keep a good baddie down for long.

She still has her eye intact at the end of the episode and Rachel is getting a prosthetic — ie, not a real human eye.

Rachel and Shay and Gracie. The one with the most direct Castor tie is…?

I think in terms of explosive moments where a black bag is shoved over someone's head while they're being accosted, Krystal's abduction doesn't quite count.

If Orphan Black adds the divine Susanna Thompson to the mix, I will do my best five-year old girl impression and squee until I pass out.

Well, that escalated quickly. Like, really fast.

It's also impressive because he doesn't get as much room to stretch but what room he has he makes magnificent use of it.

"Who else could have known not only that the book existed, but was in Scott's possession? Shay, Scott, and Cosima were the only three people in the lab at that point."

And Shay's response to the question was equally appropriate.

On the plus side, he can take a punch, as demonstrated by his bloody rejoinder pre-unconsciousness. No glass jaw on that one. So, that's about half the battle won in training a fighter.

Meh. I'd say any grown adult who has seen a single American dollar bill knows the show is set in Canada - because it's North America and it's not the US. They were coy in season one, as they explained, in an effort to draw in American viewers. They aren't very coy about it anymore.

You're right. The eye remains unplucked. If he was going to do it to complete the charade, he had his opportunity in 'surgery' yet he didn't. I don't think they're going to be that cruel.