Angelo Barovier

Jackie Chan called for you. The voicemail is just 90 seconds of laughter ending with an "Mmm-hm."

Well, probably not all of the stunts but many have gone on record to say those women wanted to do all of them. Because they're awesome.

If any of our main four pass beyond the veil, it'll be tough, that's for sure. That said, because I adore them, their pain becomes my pain. So, I raise a glass for Sarah who will eventually be confronted with Paul's demise. Helena will say something insensitive, Sarah will yell at her, and the wheel will keep turning.

There's just no pleasing everyone. Don't sweat it. The greatest response to last night's episode and its most important demise has been positive. Lots of "I wanted to hate you and enjoy your death but instead I was moved to tears" comments out there.

The Unflappable Art Bell.

NO! Everyone doesn't. Quit spilling trade secrets. Snitches get stitches.

It was all very much like a sneaky-sneak video game. Ergo, I lurved it.

Weekly reminder to Americans (and everyone outside Canada, I think?):

Well, we did get a "Science, beyotch!" from Fitz but I figure it was well-earned.

Yar. Now that we know it is something which requires deliberate action and not simply an innate passive ability (a la Wolverine), I doubt we'll see her again — unless someone on that carrier working for SHIELD is up to no good.

Yeah, I'm hoping that's 'The Avengers Quinjet' and not a model we're going to see in general circulation. But the Quinjet FX in the episode where they rescue Fitz from his Other-SHIELD pursuers on the parking garage top floor was not top shelf stuff. That said, it's still nice to see them onscreen so often.

I don't know if she couldn't prevent it. Sure, she was a full on Cassandra figure and duly so given her past but I thought she clearly remarked that she had choices. And she chose to take the path which provided the best outcome for the greater good at the cost of her own life.

"It's too bad nobody from SHIELD thought to go after and recover that crate of crystals or something…"

"I can honestly say that I saw nothing which happened coming, which was a feat in itself. And yet everything made perfect sense."

Yeah, I'm pretty sure with the rapid time cuts, the chipper music, and the shelves of 'healthy' fish oil bottle they were going more for an 'Oooo, haha!' as opposed to an 'Oh, no!'

Best. Day. Ever.

Well, she came back from the reasonably dead before. Albeit, with the intervention of the one who just made her reasonably dead again.

Oh, just rub that in Coulson's face, you monster.

I get the sense there was no accident involved.

Sorry, that was me. I totally bought the tearful goodbye curse from Jemma.