Angelo Barovier

That was a two-arm, touchdown signal moment for me.

She also invented the salmon ladder.

Someone get this guy an agent, a producing partner with animation experience, and a meeting with Andrea Boyd at Temple Street Productions.

Her comic book thought bubble: "Maybe I should tone down the yelling until the guards get here."

I liked it, too, but I'd have to say "Eating my shit!" edged ahead on my list. So many insults never come that close to being literal.

When you start thinking the imaginary scorpion is the sensible one in the room, you know Orphan Black still has its hooks in you.


Going by the sole metric of your predictive powers in the aforementioned sample size, this movie is doomed.

I'm going to take a Poe's Law on this one.

…by syphilis?

"I'm Sharon's niece."


Shh, you'll spook them.


See, now, I'll never not hear the version of that line as spoken in Person of Interest, no matter the context in which it is mentioned.

Fifty Shades of Wayne?

It took me a while to recognize him but he was, per usual, gold as the everyman. His "Who's George?" episode of Flashpoint was splendid.

I am so hesitant about Poe's Law here I can't even form a polite rebuttal.

And still vocalizing the machine gun sound while doing it.

Or Skywalker territory.