Angelo Barovier

Exactly. It all makes sense.

That is one expensive indoctrination technique.

It's like James Bond. The name is just a cover identity.

Craig, just hasn't been the same since he fell in love and stopped coming to the comic shop. Now, he just talks about comics like it's still 1992.

Don't be an idiot. The answer is in his name.

If anyone on the DC Comics or WB payroll referes to B:TAS as "from that bullshit kiddie cartoon show" they should be liberally beaten about the head with a manure-caked stick and forcefully ejected from the company via catapult.

Wait, Will Smith wrote (or directed) Hancock?

What are you talking about? It was a brilliant idea to adapt the adaptation that is the Dini/Timm-verse of the DCAU. The portrayals are both recognizable and slightly removed from a real world setting, imbuing a sort of anachronistic fantasy to the cinematic experience. It helps set them apart from…


The Short matter will be decided in court. You like your chances, I like ours. It's out of our hands.

Stephen Harper is a fuzzy kitten compared to Dick Bush. Er, I mean, George Rumsfeld. Wait, I mean Donald Cheney. Oh, gawd, this is hard.

Well, this is true but the spirit of the blues never left him and that's part of what made him a hit in the UK. However, yes, he was saddled with the Experience and it all worked out fine and dandy from there (musically speaking).

Yeah, but you see the problem with your theory is: that I have no real problem with your theory and gives me nothing to stamp my feet and shake my fist at.

Oh, when it comes to First Nations we're pretty divided. Lots of non First Nations people are very much supportive and concerned, and join with FN community leaders in initiatives, outreach, and political movements.

You mean the serial killer suspect or Beleskey and Enstrom's surgery? Not sure what's grabbing the headlines more.

Oh, Moranis is fine, thanks. Retired, mostly, and pretty happy. Martin Short seems a little dinged up, though. I guess the warranty expired?

"One last question, if you don't mind: In Canada, are the youths as bad as they are in America. You know, to where they're raised by television, spend all their time in their phones, pretty much isolate themselves?"

Sorry, no refunds on Nickelback. We phased them out with the penny. Also, in the very spirit of Canadian stereotypes, I'd like to apologize for Justin Bieber. In our defence, it was one of your who selected him stardom, so you share some blame in that.

No argument, here, by what I've observed at a distance. It seems like, lacking the most preferred targets, a corrupt system moves on the the second-most preferred target, et al.

I regret nothing. ;)