Angelo Barovier

Oh, be quiet, you Peck! What are you gonna do next? Threaten me with one of your acorns?

In Toronto, the G20 protests were all planned and executed on Day 1 without major incident using much the same plan you outlined, without the PR firm.

I can't behind that at all. It's a convenient narrative but there have been just as many if not more riots which did little to change the status quo (though I will admit that change is often gradual). To suggest it is rote that rioting in the 60's is really what got the CRM going is an entirely arguable and unprovable

I wasn't trying to characterize it as full of old people but the pastor said there were X of housing units meant for occupancy for disadvantaged elderly people. Given how far along it was, I imagine those units were largely earmarked.

I shall respect your wishes.

I do feel pretty special about it. I'm hoping this leads to free donuts.

Congratulations! You are now Level 41!

I think being stopped for no palpable reason more than twice in any given few years might give one pause. Anything more than that probably gets one a little angry.

'I refuse to address your points directly because they're beneath me!'

"If you're referring to the Civil Rights Movement… [yadda]"

You don't have to tell them. They already know.

"*rolls eyes*"

Burning down low rent housing for the elderly really isn't garnering anyone any sympathy except the displaced and poor elderly people.

"[David Simon's] opinions became a joke [to me] when he acted like the nsa data collection was nbd bc "well baltimore cops listen to drug dealers' phone conversations!" [Therefore, as the arbiter of truth, it is right for everyone to feel the way I do. Also, he's white, so he should shut up.]"

Ah, but neither of those have citations. And citations are where it's at, man. Huzzah!

Don't drag Questlove into this, you Fallon-hater.

I'm in a good mood today. Maybe I'll head on over and see what them Breitbarters are up to. How bad could it be…?

Jewish-ish? Actually…

It was a nice dagger for them to twist in Matt's gut. When the public loves your nemesis, it can make it a four-cappuccino day.

Ample Stones will be the title of the inevitable feature film spinoff of Team Hendrix's adventures in drug peddling. It'll be like a Breaking Bad movie. With bake offs and community theatre.