Angelo Barovier

I'll throw my hat into the anecdotal ring. Slow but steady atheist convert, here, from a Catholic background including grade school, church, and singin' in ye olde choir, across two countries and a dash of Jesuit teachings. Also, I became more fascinated with religion in general throughout high school in a more

I'll bet you smile when you pass it by, now, sometimes.

It's still 'a work in progress.' Potter even said as much. Hopefully, they hear the general reaction and let Melvin give it another shot. The man was under time constraints and it wasn't his best work.

I just want another slo-mo explosion walk-away representing leaving the past behind scene, in the context of Jessica Jones, of course.

Yar. They should've had him exit frame the moment both feet left the rooftop. I think that would've worked a bit better than the homage to a famous DD pose.

The final Scooby Gang scene in front of the new sign (did they rent the whole building?) was really nice, despite the clunkiness of the climactic action. Certainly had a nice emotional denouement with a hint of more stories to come.

On the whole, I agree with this review. Not so sure about the stray observations and the assertion that Marvel exercised a choice with DeKnight (publicly said to be committed elsewhere/-when) but I thought it was a good review of a finale which was not as great as its season. For me, the climactic fight was kind of

*cancels McDonald's off of potential sources for dinner tonight*

Sure as hell can blame him for shoddy execution of said interesting something.

Wait, is this another anagram of Rick Santorum?!

Tell it to Entertainment Weekly.

Admission: That is a far more entertaining answer than I had imagined would be possible. You have my support! And my axe!

"Ha-ha! These people just don't know when to quit! Glad I never got involved with that craziness. I dodged that bullet."

Stop fucking everything! It's making a mess.

What's next?! Human sacrifice. Cats and dogs living together. Mass hysteria!

Just so long as they're not Star Whackers.

"And they'll never take our FREEDOM!"

Is it [Complex Man] [Shorts] or [Complex] [Man Shorts]? Do you even know who you are?!

Neat! As a Canadian (immigrant as a baby), I salute your grandma and her sister for helping build our country with the Lebanese mob. Their story actually sounds like it would make for a fascinating novel or movie provided the ethnicity wasn't stripped away. I'd read/watch it!

Weird enough. Mind you, the NA usage is accepted in NA and, just on first sight, seems more appropriate given its structure. Interesting that it's reached beyond NA. This may be one of the times America got it right.