Angelo Barovier

Nonplussed is used differently outside of NA. I am merely indulging in gleeful pedantry.


Oh, (North) Americans. Cut the 'check'!

Wow, that's a laundry list of ancestry. Alls I got is one opium-dealing Chinese grandfather from Jamaica. Mind you, my Italian ancestry goes back a fair bit. Mostly artisans but I'm sure there's got to be a pro-Fascist in there somewhere. So, I've got that going for me.

"The reviewer can't undermine a character's agency, so I disagree with you there."

"…*also* not the sort of thing I need to see over and over again, every time. "

Personally, I think it's fine to look at it with that lens but I don't think he understands that the venue here is about critiquing the enjoyment of narrative and presentation first and foremost. I don't think people clamour to get to The AV Club to discuss the social awareness of diversity inclusion and use.

It isn't the case with every episode, though. See the previous review. The one not written by Sava.

Yep. I was shocked. Up until that point, I felt like I was watching a (rather spiffy) adaptation of a familiar play because I was once a Daredevil junkie and the story was pretty comfortable with the source material. Wesley wasn't that big of a character in the comics, so I thought that was our 'shocking death' of the

I was blindsided by how much I warmed up to her, thanks to Foggy's overtures. I suppose that's the importance of being earnest, Mr. Nelson.

Sexy times!

What? NOOOooooOOooo!

So, if more men had angst showers, we're square?

We shall NOT name him here. What is wrong with you?! It's too dangerous!

You're our monster, though!

No, he saw it as a more father-son situation with an unspoken "I love you." But he did mention sexual tension at some point while telling us about his own theatrical schooling. So, there's that.

There are degrees in bad in everyone's childhood.

Gravity is both a theory and a law. A theory in science is a credible assertion/supposition which remains unproven. The theory of gravity is about why it does what it does and research there is very ongoing and fascinating (when someone with the skills can explain it to muggles like me).

I honestly thought that they'd found a prescient way to transition him to the Bugle (without naming it) and it was fitting nicely with the Spider-Man deal. I thought his wife was going to be the goner.

"I wouldn't mind reading Daredevil reviews by someone whose primary purpose was reviewing Daredevil."