Angelo Barovier

Ha! I didn't even think of it that way. But Dan's review of last episode had none of that alleged defensiveness. I was rather hoping he'd stay on through to the end.

Well, natural to the narrative but I don't think the Hell's Kitchen coroner is going to list it as natural.

"Madame Gao proving she can punch him across the room."

And his was a great character adaptation in this. He really inhabited the role and if you'd told me VCH was a journalist in another life, I'd believe it.

Being emotionally-wrought over committing a murder (and generally being under emotional assault by murdering thugs) is clearly a sign of weakness. Karen should just man up!

I wasn't clear in the first comment, so lemme go edit it for future reference and tell you, I'm really not on board with Oliver's criticism of the show and all for fully formed and flawed human beings who happen to be women, who can fall prey to their own obsessions or be attacked ('victimized') by baddies because they

Another person of mixed race here. I'm second in this Rudy line to lay my jersey on the coach's desk.

"…the show still can’t stop casting [Karen] as a weak victim … the script spends so much time on these uniformly weak depictions of women … this show’s unfortunate representation of female characters."

I don't know. You still haven't returned my Barry White CD.

Technically, it is a theory (as in scientific theory, like the theory of gravity or general relativity, not "I have a theory about why Oliver didn't tell Thea about the island.") .

The merchandising of those seasonal soundtracks would be rather profitable!

She should totally be a masterful DJ who can flit between genres depending on the circumstance. She could have episodes soaking in a particular movement, from Motown to Disco to Prog Rock to Electronica and all over the popular music map.

Sure, if the theory is to be believed — a theory which I find is often use to justify a judgmental approach to the valuation of the behaviour of others and is in itself an inaccurate value judgment with the same conflation in common perception as IQ has had for decades.

Still not something I would ascribe as 'dumb' or contrived regardless of how I feel about the emotional IQ debate.

No need to be snarky.

You need more comic nerds in your life. This is one argument/stereotype of a decades old nerdfight between Marvel and DC fans. It's just been pushed into the light of the mainstream with this resurgence of blockbuster adaptations.

First, he failed to consider her desperation (and her resistance to mind-altering drugs?) and thought she'd be all afeared and cowed by his position and his commanding presence. He totally thought of her as whelp to be disciplined. Arrogance. Sheer arrogance.

Maybe so. Maybe so.

Whether I agree or disagree with ya, these reviews are specifically set up as episodic and spoiler-free (with the occasional lapse on the reviewer's part). I'm partial to sticking with the program on this one.

That's some good listing (though I should also note, kind of spoilery for those who haven't seen it all).