Angelo Barovier

He is a glorious asshole.

That dinner conversation in Ep. 5 was so good. Without saying too much: Texture, tension, layers, reveals, motivation, and, well, chemistry! Oh, my!

"…even if it's a little cheesy at times."

"…it was the example of someone who stands for himself, doesn't take orders from the bad guys, and go down with his head up."

This is me, eating my shoe because I criticized the choice (though hoped they knew what they were doing). "The guy from Stardust? No way!"

I muttered to myself "Josie's! Yeah!"

I'm really not getting how this reviewer keeps missing obvious cues (in otherwise complimentary reviews). A suicidal man doesn't try to rush off and get to home before the baddies find him. That's the sign of a man trying to grab the golden ring and abscond with it, while still knowing the risks.

It is a very Hemingway thing, indeed. I'd never made the connection between Daredevil's childhood and Hemingway but it all fits rather nicely. Bleak, tragic, noble, futile, and American. Nicely spotted.

Microwaves aren't meant to be used that way! Ouchies!

It was pretty easy to find sympathy for Jack if you pick up on the cues. For one, he's human. He has these things called emotions, and emotions can weigh a man down in an otherwise unpleasant, soul-sucking life. Especially one who has tasted the glare of the spotlight. It was good enough of a sympathetic stroke for On

No way, Jose! It was brill from my POV. And it's won over quite a few viewers. Look, I won't pretend I've (a) witnessed an actual vigilante hero fighting a bunch of baddies or (b) been in a whole bunch of knock down drag 'em out fights but I've seen probably more than my fair share of dustups.

Those who don't are clearly replicants. It's the truest test.

The end of episode fight in Episode 2. I couldn't decide between laughing, cheering, squealing, or flat out crying — all in joy. I've defended Affleck's movie for years because that's all I got in this taste of live action Marvel heroes and I could live with all the movie's flaws.

He damn well should get more action! Sadly, I don't call the shots, so no guarantee.


Budget expenditures for the two shows are really not the same. TWD has prosthetics, SFX makeup, and munitions plus some CGI enhancing and a department which probably has standard re-use and stable vendors for their FX (which are generally the same).

Yeah, well neither do I. So, take that, you … wait. This isn't going like I planned it.

Yar but in dramatic presentations, emotional landscape is part of the tableau. You like what you like but I'm more interested in how the characters feel about what's happening than any preponderance on the what or the why or what's next.

Saved their race by the thousands seems like a pretty good finish to me.

I'm not entirely convinced of that. The tree ain't moving so it's gonna break (say that in the requisite Christopher Walken voice) but the people can be blown off their feet, Especially if the shockwave was not singular — ie, one or more 'softer' waves precede the whammo! wave. If they're already in the air when the