Angelo Barovier

Or there are 9 other canisters to consider? Also, Jarvis was on the backup plan (no guarantee, I know). Also, TV heroes don't shootz ze peoples in the ze back. It's just a thing. Unless they're Gibbs or Bauer. Then, fire away.

"Will someone please tell me, for the love of God, why the good guys are incapable of shooting the bad guys."


Iffin that's the hill you wanna die on, I can't stop ya.

What's that got to do with anything? Does your mom not like you? I don't blame her! UR A POOPHEAD!

THAT'S NOT TRUE! Nobody likes you as much as they like me! BECAUSE I'M LIKEABLE!

Ah, the classic "I'm older and therefore wiser" retort! Well, you're a stinky face and you are uninvited from my birthday party! And we're getting a pony for that party so nya-nya-nah-nah-boo-boo!

Or turtles.


I'm fairly certain Peggy was thinking less about checking on Ms. Bleedy-Head and more about "My brainwashed friend is flying to Time Square with a bomb and my other friend is going to shoot him down if I don't get on that radio."

Well, we agree to disagree but it's nice to have such a difference of opinion without anyone trying to assert their intellectual superiority by bashing the other person. No one came off as being dickish in our disagreement. So, yay for that.

When it comes to brains, smart ain't always strong.

Or he reached for a better way until a golden opportunity came along and he thought, "Screw this. I want mah glory!"

I might make an argument for "The Forgotten Years" but I have a bias in that I love that song.

So, undead super soldiers? Neat!

You mean they didn't use Chekov's gun?

Perhaps. Or Dottie was feigning in order to make her escape. That she fell onto a plane wing made me immediately think she was alive, despite the blood trailing from her head. Plus I've had the unfortunate experience of knowing how much we bleed from a cut scalp, even if the injury isn't life threatening.

Fingers crossed!

Well, that's a fair thought to have, in general. I just don't agree it applies here for the very reasons I stated about Dottie's speechifying. Moreover, this project more than any other Marvel project short of Captain America: First Avenger should play according to type. Part of the show's appeal was nostalgia and I

Maybe it'd be best if it was entirely remote interaction?