Angelo Barovier

Well, that's why you go there. To effect change and share your vision. We believe in your vision! No pressure (but we're all counting on you).

Thank you! I don't know my NYC geography very well. I shall have to correct that with a visit someday.

The conceit of a CBM (or show) is that the titular character has plot armour. We knew Peggy was going to talk down Stark. Ergo, we knew Dottie would lose somehow. Each to their own but, really, if you don't come into a comic book world and give yourself over to its conceit, I think you may be at the wrong party.

We should all have a little Dottie in our lives (along with several safe, easily-accessible exits from any room she is in).

I like the way you think.

I will say this, though I loved the series and the finale, I do waggle my finger at Agent Peggy Don't-Care-About-Biohazards Carter. What if the serum reacted (because comics!) with stuff in the Hudson (was that the Hudson?) and created mutant creatures?

Jedi Mind Tricks work faster on the weak-minded. I'd like to think Dooley was a tough nut to crack.

I also hear Agent Carter (series) Executive Producer Louis D’Esposito really hates the guy who directed the Agent Carter One Shot. Something about sleeping with his wife.

I read it as exactly about smarts. From a sport fighting perspective (boxing, etc.) Peggy gets in a shot for every 3-5 of Dottie's. Physically, Dottie is winning that fight. So, Peggy picks her moments. Her best moment is when Dottie is by the window and instead of trying to prolong the engagement (which would,

"I rewatched Winter Soldier and it seemed incredibly soulless"

You're a former Broadway performer, aren't you? How's the physio coming along?

The Abyss was just E.T. underwater but with oil workers instead of preteens. And submersibles instead of bicycles. Oh, and SEALS and nuclear warheads. And tidal waves.

What you did there? I see it. And now I can't unsee it.

True, true. And such a travesty it was.

Dammit, Chloe!

I've never been unhooked from the Black album. I had the cassette, man! And nothing else matterrrrrrrs.

*cue Metallica*

Wait, Nightcrawler wasn't a prequel of X-Men United?

Pretty sure Jack Black ("Opening with lots of zeroes, all we get are superheroes: Spider-Man, Superman, Batman, Jedi Man, Sequel Man, Prequel Man, formulaic scripts!") was there in the role of naysayer, crank, and film snob. I don't think it was a shot at superhero/genre movies considering one set of background

"…buried under the big W!"