Angelo Barovier

I didn't dismiss your argument as mere snobbery. I dismissed it as exceptional snobbery, Herr Gruber. But, what do I know? I am Jack's unbridled stupidity.

Well, fair'nuff. I read your comment differently but fair'nuff. I feel the same way about Kathleen Kennedy's producing career. [insert hockey +/- stats metaphor]. I cede the remainder of my time to the chair.


Read the whole list. Every name is mentally blurry to me. Because Fred is on that list. And I just … every time I try to … oh, shit…

I think if TWS is, by your admission, a great superhero film and it's in the superhero genre, then it's actually a great film. It's not a mob epic, a WWII war movie, or a farce.

Ehm, Firefly is pretty slathered in Whedon Juice. This isn't an Angel or Agents of SHIELD situation. Based on what I've read or heard, Minear was the sounding board* not the initiator of most things Firefly.

Indeed. Good drama but, "Damn, Linden…"
Well, "Damn, Holder," to be more precise. That was some cold shit. Way to hang someone out to dry, dude.

In thinking, the whole premise sounds awfully close to The Killing. Hopefully, with a little less misery for the characters.

"Sin and The Law"
"Quintessential Sin"
"Daddy Lance and the Dame"
"Sin and the Broken Heart"

I would like to pretend I know what that means just so the AV Club bouncers don't kick me out. Hopefully, my quick scan of Wikipedia will withstand any cursory interrogation.

A soulless monster in an Armani and sneakers. Duh.

…the “meninist” response…

"Something about The Rock running around with a giant machine gun is off-putting too."

Agent Doctor MacLingerie

No doubt but I was more qualifying my variable taste than I was suggesting these were the only two choices for the Wachowskis.

"The problem is that every project they're given is too huge, and it feels like they're setting themselves up for failure. They need to do a few movies with a $20m budget and actually invest in story, character and mood."


On the first point: Indeed.

Oh, right, I forget it's still my Twitter handle: Rancorr. Sorry!

From her POV, she's rendering a service to society and, for the time, it was a perfectly acceptable thing for her to take her tenants to task for their 'innate' weaknesses. In her mind, all young women are guilty until proven innocent.