Angelo Barovier

"Girls get better grades in high school than boys."


Us Magazine. Perennially classy.

Tom Cullen, Downton Abbey. Apparently he's hunky and stuff.

Rationally, there was no way Tatiana Maslany was gonna walk away with any other hardware than her arm candy, against that field of nominees.

"I like [Gotham]. Sure it has balancing issues. But I feel it is slowly finding its voice"

Call the attorney's office. We got another one for the Cosby case.

You know who talked about Hitler? Hitler!

So, being a gay black veteran (and let's say a woman) is basically winning the lottery. You're always right about everything.

You are the Obi-Wan Kenobi of our time.

…with Fabio photoshopped in. Because reasons.

I don't know that one. [2 minutes later] Tee-hee. That was amusing.


Had I the means, I would happily own one of those paintings. I'd also like a first edition printing of any of Saddam Hussein's romance novels.

They're more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual laws.


You leave those dunderheads alone. They gave us Loose Change which begat Luke's Change which, IMHO, is second only to TROOPS as the best Star Wars fan film ever made.

I don't get it.

I prefer mythical ignorance. It's very popular downtown.