Angelo Barovier

We're gonna need some time to answer that.

You want everyone to paint over their privates? Kinky but if that floats your boat…

Blow up the damned ship!

Those techs were there to stop the practice of transporter sex (which I'm sure I don't have to explain to you involves beaming yourselves at the moment of climax to extend and enhance the sensation). It was deemed a waste of resources and blamed for some birth defects.


"It's a clap!"

"…it's obvious that a single nuke is apparently perfectly capable of taking out a capital ship, no problem at all."

Also, they let me wear my bandolier on the bridge. That's a plus.

This is usually Summer Glau's fault.

1. It's pay lip service, not play. The idea is to get what one wants, one must pay a price. I say this because you seem like someone who could take a helpful correction without feeling it is an attack on their character and intelligence.

Either you're in the middle of editing or HYDRA agents have gotten to you. Flash a light three times if you need assistance.

When I use regular schmoes, that's not about their jobs. It's about their station in life. Regardless of their top secret clearance, they're all still working stiffs.

That would be Usenet, TYVM. RASSM (Star Wars) FTW, among others. So, yes. I'm old. You're old. We're old together.

You know your stuff. AND you named Nocenti in there. Gold star for you.

"But they haven't actually shown us anything which would make us believe it as strongly as they seem to."

Everything you said also made me like the episode best so far…

That's right. Stark is a ridiculously rich, influential, uncommonly handsome, genius war hero who was swoon-worthy even before his role in the war.

You shut up with your facty facts. We're trying to have a conversation on the internet. There's no place for that here. Sheesh!

Which one of you has the bigger TV (not a euphemism)? Because we're having a hornhead (not a euphemism) debut party at your house. We can be disappointed by our Phantom Menace level of excitement together.

Maybe Barry is wrong and Ollie does have superpowers or, more specifically, superfingers.